From the Heads of Secondary

Welcome to the 2024 School Year
One of the outstanding moments of this past week has been witnessing the warn and supportive atmosphere as our Year 7 students transition into high school like. Our Year 12 badged leaders along with our Year 9 Peer Support Leaders have played a pivotal role in assisting and guiding them during the orientation process. Their kindness and leadership have set a positive tone for the entire school community.
We would like to commend all our students for the calm way they have started the new academic year. It’s been encouraging to see such a positive and respectful atmosphere in classrooms and around the school grounds.
As we enjoy (or not) the warmer weather, we would like to remind parents and students about our door-to-door policy with formal hats. This policy is in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students.
The full Calrossy Uniform Guide is available on The HUB and on our Website
Thank you again for your partnership with Calrossy, and here’s to a fantastic term 1.
Julia Boland - Head of Senior Secondary and
Sam Anderson - Head of Calrossy 7-9