Calrossy Community, P & F, and Foundation

P & F
Thanks to our Volunteers who started the year with a BANG! helping after the Country Music Festival opening concert fireworks display. We have also had volunteers at our unique fundraiser at Tamworth Rugby Park where we help to maintain the field.
The work is going into full swing after the Festival and if you can spare sometime please get in touch. We have also had a presence at the Junior School open classroom day selling our book covers.
Shout to our supporters who joined us before the end of school last year at the UNE steak tasting. From this event we helped secure $1,200 for the Calrossy Careers Program to continue to provide opportunities for all of the students at Calrossy.
We are looking forward to hosting the Calrossy Meet and Greet on the 27th February and meeting our new parents staff and catching up with our entire parent body. Please see the invite below for more information.
Book Cover fundraiser
The P & F have your 2024 book covers sorted with a premium selection of covers. Bundles start at $15 and some single covers are also available. Sizes include A3, A4 and A5. Bundles are pre mixed to suit all ages, reusable, and an easy and stylish alternative to contact paper. Get yourself organised for term 1!
Please go to Qkr! to purchase.
2024 is going to be another huge year for our P & F and we are always happy to have people help where they can by coming to a meeting or volunteering. Feel free to reach out to Secretary Mick Wilson on 0415 452 263 and watch the newsletters, The HUB or join our Calrossy Anglican School P & F Facebook group.
Andrew Yeo
Calrossy P & F President