Teaching and Learning

Number Talks
This year, MRPS is having an increased focus on Maths with respect to student learning. Research has shown that great mathematicians aren't necessarily fast when solving problems or don't need to have a wonderful memory to remember all those number facts. What has been discovered is that, importantly, great mathematicians can make sense of the numbers they work with. They are able to deconstruct and reconstruct numbers to help solve problems.
For example, to solve 18 x 5, they might deconstruct (partition) 18 into 10 and 8 and multply each number by 5 then add the two answers to get 90. There are many ways to solve this problem flexibly. How would you do it if you couldn't use a pen and paper?
This year, to support students to develop number sense, we are introducing Number Talks into every classroom. Students are posed a question (suitable for their year level) and are asked to solve it in a way that makes sense to them. Teachers then list all the strategies that students have used and peers have time to think about the strategy and whether it makes sense to them. Teachers are encouraging students to explain (justify) their thinking, another attribute of a great mathematician.
We are really excited about this new approach for our students. Number Talks is a quick session, taking 5-10 minutes once established. Our Maths curriculum will be taught as usual but we see Number Talks as a way to get all students talking about their thinking and sharing it with others.
Pat Withell
Learning Specialist - Teaching and Learning