From the Principal

As expected, the carpark has been more congested than usual, due to the start of the year, but we seem to be navigating that pretty well. It is a great pleasure of mine to see the gracious way most of our parents show care and consideration for others. There are a couple of things that would help the process even more.
Remember accidents happen when people do unexpected things. Children do enough unexpected things, so it is up to parents to do only expected things at slow speed.
Follow the arrows even when you could just nip out the wrong way and save yourself time.
Don’t drive up to the Admin Office roundabout to drop off or pick up students during mornings and afternoons – unsupervised students use those areas.
Be gracious and let people out of carpark 3/4 (that’s the big one closest to the primary specialist rooms) into the main traffic.
If you are trying to get out of carpark 3/4 only stop once to let a car move out of their park in front of you. When so many are lovely letting so many pull out of their park, the car at the back does not move at all and causes congestion.
Think about the timing of your arrival to pick up. Secondaries are released at 3:20pm and so they aren’t there until 3:30ish. Primary parents are leaving by then and parks are free.
Please don’t pickup or let students out on the road and unexpectedly block traffic. Only use the car park for these things.
Staff on duty will prioritise cars moving in and out and ask students to wait at crossings. Yan Yean Road is extra congested with so many parents wanting to drop their children at various schools at the same time. Please be patient, it will get better as parents work out the right timing to pick up their children.
COVID Exclusions
Numbers were heading down but have spiked since school has returned.
Please protect our community by not sending symptomatic students to school. Some students and staff or their family members are hugely affected by COVID. And we can’t actually run a school if our staff are away sick.
If students have COVID they should not attend school until 5 days after the onset of symptoms.
How to find policies and college documents
These are in SEQTA Engage. Open SEQTA, click Documents in the menu. There are so many, you can search for the name you are looking for.
Pet Free Zone
The college is a pet free zone due to allergies and anxiety of some students. If you need to bring a pet with you for drop off or pickup they should remain in your car. Please do not have pets on the campus even if you are carrying them.
John Metcalfe