School News

Fundraiser Wigs4Kids

Livinia Rowley is raising money to help relieve the financial burden from families that have a child being treated for a cancer diagnosis. 

Please click on the link below if you would like to donate to Livinia’s Wigs4Kids fundraiser. She will be cutting most of her hair off to be made into a wig for a child with cancer. The money goes towards the making of the wig which takes up to 40 hours to make, sick kids and their families. Her big chop will take place on Saturday 18th May. Thank you

Sophia Tokatlidis

Sophia Tokatlidis has earnt an A+ high distinction grade of her recent piano exam. 

Sophia has a natural music flair and loves playing the piano everyday. 

With the help of her teacher Miss Susie Hobday she worked really hard and is super proud of her achievement. 

Portrait Prize - Paloma Paris

A former student Paloma Paris (pictured on the right with her sister Aurora) Has had her masterpiece displayed in the Portrait Prize Exhibition. Paloma had used her Aurora as her subject and her wonderful work was chosen as a finalist/winner.