Mathematics News

Ms Nellie Girgenti

Mathematics Coordinator 

Ideas for Helping Your Child with Mathematics Homework

Dear Parents,


The recent changes in the curriculum in NSW demonstrate our schools' everchanging landscape of education. These changes require parents, to adapt and grow alongside their children. That is very true when it comes to helping with Mathematics homework and homework in general, to support their children’s learning journey.

Here are some ideas  that may help to support you when assisting your child with homework:


1. Listen and Understand: Resist the urge to jump in with solutions right away. Instead, encourage them to explain their thought process aloud. By understanding their reasoning, you can pinpoint areas where they might need additional support and foster their problem-solving skills.

2. Embrace New Teaching Methods: Education is evolving, and so are teaching methods. Stay open-minded about new approaches to learning, even if they differ from your own school experiences. Your willingness to adapt sets a positive example for your child and encourages a growth mindset.

3. Uncover Thought Processes: Even incorrect answers offer valuable insights into your child's thinking. By understanding their logic, you can identify misconceptions and provide targeted support. For example, if your child adds fractions incorrectly, it may indicate a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept that you can help to address together.

4. Focus on Process, Not Just Answers: Homework isn't just about getting the right answers; it's about mastering concepts and developing critical thinking skills. Take the time to explain the underlying processes and strategies behind solving problems, helping your child build a deeper understanding of the material.

5. Collaborate with Teachers: Communicate with your child's teachers to understand their teaching methods and classroom objectives. By working together, you can reinforce lessons at home and support your child's learning journey more effectively.

6. Seek Additional Resources: Don't hesitate to seek extra help. Explore your child's textbooks and online resources for supplementary materials. Look for publicly available teaching aids. 

7. Embrace Individuality: Every child learns differently, so tailor your approach to suit their individual needs and preferences. What works for one child may not work for another. By listening attentively and adapting your support methods, you can empower each child to thrive academically.


Supporting your child's learning journey requires patience, flexibility, and a willingness to collaborate. By listening, understanding, and embracing new approaches, you can help your child build confidence, develop critical thinking skills, and achieve academic success.


Warm regards,

Ms Nellie Girgenti 

Coordinator and Year 4 teacher