
Education News

Mrs Isabella Barbera

Religious Education Coordinator

May - Marian Month

The month of May is specifically dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus. At the foot of the Cross, Jesus gave Mary the responsibility to care for all the followers of Jesus day in and day out without fail, interceding on our behalf for all our needs. Throughout May, special devotions are organised to recognise the role Mary played in the works of salvation with her Son, Jesus. The most common way of honouring Mary is through praying the Rosary, either at home or in parishes. It is also traditional to crown a statue of Mary (May Crowning) with flowers representing her beauty. Prayer corners can also be a focal point in your home, to gather and pray together. 


During May, let us remember that Mary is not only Jesus’ mother but also everyone’s mother, reaching out to all of her children to protect them, comfort them and take care of them even during difficult times.


Superhero Day - Wednesday 15th May

St Francis Xavier will be fundraising for the Holy Child Program on Wednesday, May 15th with a superhero day! 

The Holy Child Program was founded in 1995 by the Catholic Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, at the request of local Catholic parents whose children were suffering from psychological distress. The program provides intense treatment and alternative education for Catholic children in the Bethlehem region in the Holy Land, who suffer from untreated mental health issues and exposure to intergenerational trauma. Their mission is to instil hope and healing, and would also like to assist in continuing this mission together as a school community. 

We look forward to working together as a community to support Catholic children in the Holy Land and bring hope, change and healing. 


Grade Masses

This term, each grade will celebrate mass. This is a special time for each grade to come together and take part in the Eucharist. All masses will commence at 9:15 am,

Masses for this term are listed below:

  • Kindergarten & Year 6 - Friday 17th May 
  • Year 1 & Year 5 - Thursday 30th May 
  • Year 2 & Year 4 - Friday 14th June 
  • Year 3 - Friday 28th June 

Mother’s Day 


Sunday the 12th of May is Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is a celebration honouring motherhood, maternal bonds and the role mothers play in our lives. 

We give thanks to all mothers; those at home, those at work, those in our community, those who cook, clean, encourage, those who manage, motivate and influence, and those who kiss us goodnight and wake up with a smile. 

Motherhood means learning, listening, leading, laughing, loving, and living in the moment. Their love is boundless, endless, seamless, selfless and unconditional. There is a Mother Theresa in every mother and she should be celebrated on Mother’s Day. 

The students at St Francis Xavier are looking forward to creating something special for all our mothers and mother figures at St Francis Xavier tomorrow.