Senior School News

Work Experience
During April, over 200 of our Year 10 students headed out into the local community and beyond on work experience, in what is a significant step in bridging the gap between education and the professional world. This initiative provides hands-on exposure to various industries and complements their academic learning.
Our students have ventured into a wide array of sectors, including technology, local government, animal care, education, building and construction, broadcasting, real estate, healthcare and the arts.
Upon completing their work placements, students have participated in reflective sessions where they discuss their experiences, challenges and the skills they have acquired. This is an important part of the process for setting future career goals with greater clarity.
Of course none of this would be possible without the support of the many employers that hosted our students, providing them with mentorship and guidance and trusting them to contribute to meaningful tasks. The feedback from employers has been incredibly positive, they have enjoyed being a part of the program and many have offered to continue hosting our students in future years.
Every student is to be congratulated on their efforts to seek out their own work experience placement and for representing Patterson River Secondary College in ALL of our College values!
Mrs. Milsome
Market Day - Lily P
On Tuesday the 21st of May, a Market Day was run by the Year 11 VCE VM and Business Management students. There was a range of several different markets such as sausage sizzle, cookie dough, different assortments of baked good, some arts and craft stalls, chocolate covered strawberries, pizza, a chocolate toss and more!
Market Day was a great experience for the whole school, as it brought everyone together and made it a great opportunity for the Year 11 students to have a feel of how it is to run a business. With a busy atmosphere, we had to adapt to quickly serving everyone and keeping the lines moving.
The VCE VM students ended up raising $1,193.25 to go to a charity called Pets of The Homeless. Pets of the Homeless is an organisation that provides food, veterinary care, safe shelter and other support to pet owners in need. They help people who are facing homelessness by making sure their companion pets are well looked after.
Market Day was also a very successful day for the Business Management students, raising $1,178.50 to go to the Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation, helping children gain access to life saving equipment and technology, supporting ground-breaking research, developing medical minds through leadership, education and training and supporting the best in patient and family centred care.
Overall Market Day was a very successful and fun day for the Year 11 students and the school. It allowed all year levels to come together and have a great day!
Lily P
Market Day - Finn W
On the 21st of May Year 11 Business Management and VM students hosted a Market Day for the school. Students got into groups and had to run a stall. They had to organise their stall idea and they had to buy their prizes and products. Some of the stalls sold food such as sausages, cookies and nuggets, and other stalls hosted games for people to play and win prizes. In total the Business Management students were able to raise $1,178.50 for the Royal Childrens Hospital with their most successful stall selling cookie dough. The VM students managed to raise $1,193.25 for Pets for the Homeless with their most profitable stall being the sausage sizzle. The whole school had a good time and the Year 11’s running it had fun preparing and hosting their stalls.
Finn W
Market Day - Elisha M
On the 21st of May, five Year 11 classes held the annual Patterson River Secondary College Market Day. All students worked in small groups to successfully hold stalls and sell products to the rest of the community at lunchtime.
The classes involved had 6 weeks to organise and plan ideas on how to have a successful Market Day stall. During this period of time we have all developed the skills of business, marketing, budgeting, organisation, teamwork and leadership, followed by many more skills for future opportunities.
Between all the stalls involved on the day we have raised $2,400. By student choice we selected two charities which are Pets of the Homeless located in Cheltenham, which is a company that provides food, veterinary care and other support to the pets of people experiencing or facing homelessness and The Royal Children’s Hospital located in Parkville, who provide a full range of clinical services, tertiary care and health promotion and prevention programs for children and young people.
Elisha M