Junior School News 

Year 7

Term 2 has really hit the ground running for our Year 7 students. We started off the term celebrating the success of Term 1 with our Celebrating Success Assembly. We were so proud to announce that during Term 1 our Year 7 students accumulated a massive total of 1,131 positive recognitions via Compass. What a huge effort! An extra special mention must go to Lily in 7A for receiving the most positive recognition posts across Year 7. It was during this assembly that we also had the pleasure of recognising our Year 7 leaders for 2024. We congratulate them on their efforts and look forward to working with them in the area of leadership.  

Year 7 Leaders 2024 

Lily I 

Abigail B 

Erin B 

Ruby R 

Zayne S 

Woody S 

Ted C  

Jack H  

Our focus area for Term 2 in Learning About Me is Wellbeing. It has been wonderful to see our Year 7 students focusing and talking about their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of their classmates in community circles. All classes have created a “Wellbeing Jar” that has so many suggestions of things they could do as a class to take care of their wellbeing. An area we have touched on and will continue to discuss is cyber safety and the concept of feeling safe at school. It was great to have Brainstorm Productions out to visit us last week. This engaging theatre in education program for high school students addresses bullying, harassment and aggression at school, at home and online. Two energetic performers explore how negative patterns of behaviours can develop through modelling from peers, family, social media, YouTube and video games. They demonstrate the role of the fight/flight response and how this energy can be channelled into positive pursuits. We had a great time and interacted with the actors in a really mature and positive way. Well done Year 7!  


We have been pleased to see so many of our Year 7 students engaging in their love of books. We have a dedicated reading corner in the Year 7 Centre that can be accessed at recess and lunchtimes as well as our library which is also open before and after school.  


Lunchtime activities continue this term with Kingston Youth on a Tuesday and Fun Friday’s with Michael our Youth Worker. We encourage our students to get involved and have some fun during lunch.  


Mrs. Ackland  

Year 7 Program Leader  

Year 9 CLP Re-vegetation

Over the past 2 weeks the Year 9 CLP class has been working with the Frankston City Council re-vegetating the Keast Park Foreshore. Students planted over 400 shrubs, grasses and trees during these sessions. This contribution adds to our College's overall engagement with the Council in planting over 4000 plants over the past 5 years. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Council in the future.