
Year 8 Oral Presentation and Reflections, Yeep! - Giselle M

Year 8 Oral Presentations

During Term 2 our Year 8 students created wonderful presentations and shared them as part of their English CAT. They all prepared Powerpoint presentations and explained the places they would travel within a designated budget. Like many adults, most were nervous about speaking in front of their peers but the English Department strongly believes this is a skill that becomes easier with practice. Our students were both well prepared and had many low and higher stakes speaking opportunities in their classes prior to the final public speaking event.  

Year 8 Reflections

Now that I have completed my presentation I am most proud that we volunteered to present first to our class. A destination I enjoyed researching the most was either Greece or Egypt, I would love to go to either of these places and experience some of the wonders of the world. I felt nervous before presenting, but was glad we got it over and done with. Presenting in front of an audience is important as it is a skill that will be useful all throughout your life, having confidence when talking to people is such a great skill.  



Now that I have completed my presentation I am proud that my pair decided to be one of the  first to present. Destinations I enjoyed researching was Greece and Brazil since I didn’t know much about these places. Before presenting I was very nervous. After I felt relieved. Presenting in front of an audience is important because it builds confidence. 



The thing I am most proud of is that I presented without stopping too much. The destination I most enjoyed researching was Germany, because I had no idea how many different tourist attractions there are. I felt really stressed about doing the presentation because I didn't know if I put enough slides in or if I included enough information but after presenting I felt a lot better about getting it done so I didn't have to stress about it. I think that presenting in front of other people is good for your social skills and helps for later in life when you might need to present in job interviews or just in daily life. 



Now that I have completed my presentation I’m proud of doing all my work. The destination I most enjoyed researching was probably Australia. I felt nervous before but then I felt good after. It’s important presenting in front of people because you do it later in life like in a job interview.  



Now that I have completed my presentation I am most proud of the fact I did not laugh during the time I was presenting and I am proud of the slides and the way they looked. I enjoyed researching Italy because of my family heritage and the beautiful places.    


YEEP! - Giselle M

“YEEP!” Claws raked along the back of his pelt, blood beginning to bubble out. He shook his attacker off and whipped around to face him. There stood an orange tom, his pelt flaming in the sun. Viciously snarling, he again lunged at Storm. This time he was prepared. Storm ducked underneath the leap, quickly turning and aimed a blow on his ear. Not missing the chance, Storm flipped him and pinned him to the ground. 

“This isn’t over,” he spat and bounded back to the forest. Storm watched, still dazed at what had just happened. He couldn’t help but find it thrilling. Cautiously, Storm stalked after the mysterious cat, bewildered by what he saw. It was a large, sandy hollow of a small colony of cats inside. No, he knew what this was. This was a clan. “Looking for someone?” An orange figure formed in front of him, realizing it was the same cat he had fought. “You fought against me with bravery and courage.  We have been watching you for a while now.”  The tom paused before continuing. “Our leader has requested you join our clan. Thunderclan.”  Although shocked by the sudden change of the orange cat's emotion, he nodded curtly. Many moons had passed since he joined the clan, although a shallow emptiness cracked and swallowed his heart. He always persisted and did his best for his clanmates, but that never was enough. Storm was padding along the side of his clan's territory quietly when voices rose from the other side of the border. They didn’t have Thunderclan scent – these are invaders!  

“That's ridiculous, Storm! The other clans aren’t planning an attack. There is no need to worry.” Bramblestar dismissed the clan with a flick of his tail.  Storm fumed silently. He knew what he had heard – it was happening tonight! Angrily, he plopped himself in his nest and dozed off. Wha-? His thought was cut off by screams nearby. Storm raced out, horror-struck of what he’s seeing. It was the attack! Several cats already dead, plenty more defeated. They are heavily outnumbered – only few still stood fighting. No! Blaze, the cat who had essentially brought him here and his only friend was being harshly slashed.  

The midnight moon shone in the hollow, lighting Storm’s pelt. He felt powerful. Storm ripped the intruder off Blaze with a fierce bite in the shoulder. Everyone around him was perishing. As quickly as the moonlight had appeared, it vanished, casting a dark shadow around the cats. A deafening yowl silenced the fighting. It was Mistfoot – the leader of the attacking patrol. Storm receded into the shadows; barely visible. He crept along the shaded area of the hollow towards Mistfoot, unnoticed.                                                              “Bramblestar,” she began, “Your cats are obviously defeated. Do you surren-” Storm didn’t give her the chance to finish. He at her and sank his teeth deep into her throat. This was over. 

It was a beautiful morning; it felt unfair to those who had lost their lives defending his clan. They buried them away from the blood-stained earth, where they could rest peacefully. Storm gazed at his remaining clanmates. Loss and despair clouded their faces. This could have been avoided – if only he persisted with his point! Perhaps he wasn’t worthy of his clanmates’ trust, like their actions always told him. After he had killed Mistfoot, all the attackers fled with shocked fear, scampering into the forest beyond. But as he padded around, his clanmates' glances became softer. Some thanked him, some dipped their heads as he passed. Storm no longer felt empty. He felt proud. He felt a part of the clan