🏑Hockey Club

As we move forward in the 2024 hockey season, our coaches and managers lineup includes:


11/12s Coaches: Mark Powell and Mal Kleinman, a remarkable coaching duo boasting extensive experience and a wealth of knowledge in the game.

Manager: To be announced- We're on the lookout for a parent from the 11/12s team to step up as the team manager.

Photos from 11/12s practice on Tuesday night.


9/10s: Welcoming Coach Adam Piggott from Curtin Uni Hockey Club, whose years of experience and deep passion for hockey are invaluable assets to our team.

Managers: Jeff Austin and Melinda Ladhams

Photos from 9/10s practice on Tuesday night.


7/8s: This season, our 7/8s team will benefit from the expertise of two outstanding student coaches - Anthony Kleinman and Jacob Oats. Their enthusiasm for hockey is infectious, and we know they'll inspire our players to give it their all this season.

Manager: Megan Leeming

Photos from 7/8s practice on Tuesday night.

Upcoming Fixtures

We've got an exciting season of hockey ahead of us, and can't wait to see all the amazing plays and teamwork on display. 


Round 1:


Saturday 27 April at Southern River's High Velocity Ducting Stadium, playing on turf, the game starts at 10:00 am vs Kwinana Tigers.



Sunday 28 April at Sutherlands Park (Field 2) starting at 11:30 vs Whitford 3.



Monday 29 April at Southern River's High Velocity Ducting Stadium, the game starts at 6:00 pm vs Southern River.


Round 2:


Friday 3 May, playing at Perth Hickey Stadium on Turf 1 at 8:30 pm, vs WASPS 



Saturday 4 May, playing at Richardson Park, Field 1 at 11:30 am, vs WASPS 



Sunday 5 May, playing at Guildford Grammar School turf at 11:00 am vs YMCC


Players have fun out there. Parents, thank you for your continued support and encouragement. 


Training days (High Velocity Ducting Hockey Stadium): 

7/8 team: Tuesdays from 5:00 pm-6:00 pm

9/10 team: Wednesdays from 5:00 pm -6:00 pm

11/12 team: Tuesdays from 5:00 pm-6:00 pm

Queries and Contact Details

Should anyone have any queries, please contact:


Uniform Queries



General Queries


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