Learning and Curriculum Primary - Stage 3

Da Vinci Decathlon 

Goodluck to the following students who have been selected to participate in the Da Vinci Decathlon to be held at Knox Grammar School next week: 

Year 5 Year 6 
Jaycoub F Damon T
Alex M Flynn M 
Cormac W Owen B 
Dylan C Daniel W 
Nicholas S Oliver M 
Matteo L Frank M 
Zubin D Oliver R 
Luca C Ayaan G  

ICAS Assessments  

This year, we are again pleased to offer our Years 5 and 6 students the opportunity to sit the ICAS English, Writing, Mathematics and Science Assessments. This is optional and parents/carers are required to sign their son up. 


These challenging competitions present real-world scenarios where students are assessed on their ability to apply classroom learning to new contexts, using higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills. You can learn more about the ICAS Assessments at the following site: https://www.icasassessments.com/products-icas.


Parents/carers are invited to register and pay for their son to participate in either or all assessments by completing the following: 


1. Go to the Parent Portal: https://shop.icasassessments.com/pages/pps 

2. Enter our school’s access code – FKS095 

3. Enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment. 


Registration and payment close on 29 July 2024. 


After payment is made via the Parent Payment System you will receive an order confirmation email, please keep this for your records. ICAS assessments will be run before school (approximately 7:45 AM) over a number of days in Term 3. 


Daniel Fields                                                               Sarah Tatola

Head of Curriculum (Stage 3)                             Head of Teaching and Learning (Stage 3)

Lenten Art Competition for Stage 3 2024

Congratulations to the following boys in Stage 3 that created the following Lent inspired 



Winning Art Piece  

William Tran - 5 Blue

'Peace on Earth'


Second Place 

Edward Kavanagh - 6 Green

'The Body and Blood of Christ'



Third Place 

Liam Bortolussi - 6 Green

'Our Lord in a Crown of Thorn'

Milena Osorio Narvaez 

Stage 3 Religious Education Coordinator | Junior School teacher