Faith, Justice and Formation

SPC Mothers’ Day Mass Logistics

We look forward to welcoming those mothers and sons who have got tickets to the Mothers’ Day Mass this Friday, 10 May.


Please note the following regarding the event:

  • Mass will commence at 8:30 AM and will conclude by 10:15 AM.
  • Doors will open at 7:45 AM and the Carparks will open at 7:00 AM.
  • You are to enter the carparks from one of the following gates: 
    • P4 gate on James Ruse Drive (opposite Rydges Hotel) – best if coming from the direction of the M4
    • Gate 1 on Grand Avenue - best if coming from Parramatta and Hills District.
  • Please make sure you give enough time for travel, parking and walking into the venue. We appreciate your support of the College with all the elements on the day.
  • All boys are to bring their school bags in with them and take them to the bag drop off area on the ground floor (under the room for Mass). They are to be placed in Homeroom rows. Mothers are not to enter this space. You need to wait outside for your son/s to return and then all go upstairs to Level 2 for Mass together.
  • There will only be reserved seats for the volunteers who have a role in the Mass. All other seats are available. Please make sure you fill in all the spaces, as the seats are limited to the number of tickets purchased.
  • Only mothers and grandmothers are welcome at the Morning Tea following Mass. All boys will be boarding a bus to return to school. No boy is to go with their mother. The boys will be moving off from the Mass space first so you will need to say goodbye at the end of Mass.
  • We have a new addition with a simple raffle taking place on the day. We have a bottle of Cristal Champagne worth $500 - $600 to raffle. Tickets will be $5 each, to be purchased prior to Mass. The raffle will be drawn after Mass. All proceeds will go to Breast Cancer charities and/or a domestic violence shelter for women. You will be able to pay electronically or with cash (please have smaller notes).
  • No more Mass Tickets can be purchased.
  • You DO NOT need to bring physical tickets on the day, so you do not need to seek help in finding them.

For those boys who are not going to Mass school will be as normal, with staff supervision of private study and reading until Recess, and classes from Period 3 onwards. Information regarding this is in the announcements for students.


Have a wonderful day on Friday, and then again on Sunday in your parishes and homes. God bless all Mums who do so much for us, who reflect love and joy, who guide us each day and who are the first educators of faith!


Gillian Daley

Director of Identity