
Supporters' Duty

I write to commend our Year 5 and 6 cohort for the excellent way they supported both the Second XV and First XV Rugby teams last Saturday. The unbridled enthusiasm certainly added a great deal to the day and our teams truly appreciated their cheering. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Locke, Mr Cooper and Ms Capobianco and the numerous Junior School teachers who came out to supervise the boys. 


A reminder that Year 11 have been designated Supporters’ Duty this Saturday 11 May. All boys are to report to the Powell Pavilion at 10:00 AM dressed in correct College sporting attire or Winter College uniform and have their names marked off. Once this has been completed, boys will move to SPC No. 2 to support the College First XI Football team. Boys will be dismissed at the conclusion of the First XI game; approximate time is noon. 


Boys who are representing St Patrick’s in College fixtures played in the morning which may clash with this event have been notified via an email which was sent to all of Year 11 students earlier this week. 


Any boy who is making their way to watch the 16A, Second XV or First XV Rugby fixtures this Friday evening at Woollahra Oval to play Cranbrook School are reminded about the expectation of wearing correct College attire and cheering in a positive manner. 

Training Off-Site Protocol

Given the large number of Winter sports teams currently representing the College, certain teams have been allocated training sessions at nearby Hudson and Airey Parks. In order to ensure boys make their way to and from the grounds safely, they are instructed to meet with their coaches by no later than 3:25 PM so that they are supervised along the journey. 


Ordinarily, boys making the return trip to school will leave their school bag at the College for the duration of the training session. I would ask you to remind boys that they should take their valuables, such as wallets and phones with them or leave them in their secured lockers. Boys being picked up at these grounds will need to take their school bags with them.


Parents/carers wishing to pick up their son/s from the above-mentioned playing fields may do so once they have reported to the relevant coach at 4:50 PM, at which point teams will commence their return trip to the College. Please note that under no circumstances will a boy be permitted to remain at the training field to wait for his parent/s/carer/s. Furthermore, students are not permitted to drive to and from these venues on training days. 


In some instances, parents/carers may wish for their sons to be left at the venue to enable them to attend their outside training commitments. In order for that to occur, parents/carers will need to inform the relevant MIC and coach, prior to the training session, of whom will be at the venue to assume the supervisory responsibility for their son/s from 4:50 PM onwards.


The College’s duty of care ceases at either 4:50 PM when the boys are handed over to the parent/carer and/or approved adult or when the boys return to the College Campus at approximately 5:00 PM.


Anthony Calavassy

Director of Co-curricular