Class Celebrations

Celebrating the growth in our wonderful children on each learning level...


This week, Preps have been extending their skills by beginning to write sentences. They have been practicing on whiteboards and have even started to write on the lines! We are incredibly proud of the persistence the students are showing during these tasks. Well done Preps!


Year 1

Our Year 1 students are really enjoying Reading Eggs, a new program they started this year! They're excited and engaged during lessons, and it's great to see. The guided activities are just right for their level, and the weekly session nicely complements our daily Phonics lessons.

Year 2

Our Year 2 students were fluttering with excitement, as their classroom was visited by butterflies and other insects as part of their minibeast in-visit! Armed with magnifying glasses and boundless enthusiasm, they embarked on a thrilling journey of exploration as they uncovered the secrets of these magnificent tiny creatures. Through hands on exploration and observation the children got up close and personal with these wonderful critters. In English this term, the students are learning about various insects such as flies, ants and cockroaches. Students are being visited by various insects that look suspiciously like the Year 2 teachers. Our Year 2 students are brimming with curiosity as they wonder which insects will visit them next?

Year 3

This week, Year 3 students came to the end of their English unit ‘Classification of Animals’. Students became taxonomists and classified animals by their characteristics into the vertebrate groups of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish. We have been so impressed by how much knowledge the students have absorbed from what they have heard and read. For one of their writing activities, students worked with a partner to create an informative poster about an animal group of their choice. They selected key information from their research and presented their information in a clear and detailed way. Be sure to have a look at their amazing posters during the upcoming Celebration of Learning!

Year 4

In Week 3, our Year 4 students delved into their Passion Projects, showcasing their creativity through our first arts and craft rotations. They embarked on a journey of self-expression through designing and creating their own bags, mastering the art of origami, and exploring graphic design with Canva. Our new Passion Projects have not only encouraged our students to explore their interests but have also provided them with valuable skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration!

Year 5

In Maths, embracing our school value of Learning, the Year 5 students have been exploring how to solve subtraction equations. This week, students have been using vertical algorithms to regroup and solve subtraction problems. Students have built on their knowledge from previous years to learn this skill. They're finding joy and support in utilising the Year 5 PRIME books as our tool for learning! 

Year 6

This term, Year 6 students have enjoyed learning about properties of matter through a series of hands on experiments. In our most recent experiment, students used a mini circuit kit to create an incomplete circuit. Next they completed the circuit using different materials such as a metal spoon, a plastic paperclip and a piece of aluminium foil, testing to see which objects would cause the circuit's lightbulb to turn on. Finally, students were able to classify these materials as either a conductor or an insulator. To learn more about what we've been up to in Science, come check out our posters on Family Friday or at the Celebration of Learning!