Principal's Message

Our children are our future...

Principal's Message

Welcome to the start of Week 5 of an 11-week term. I want to extend a happy Mother's Day for all the carers who assume that role in our school. Parents are the first teachers of our students and your role may go unheralded - but without you, there is nothing, really. 


My own mother was an 'angel' and, although no longer on earth, she would technically have been approaching her 100th birthday. Although she died over 20 years ago, her influence will never be forgotten by me or my siblings. 


Don't ever underestimate the effect you have on your children. You make a noise that echoes through the ages and, for that, you should feel proud. Happy Mother's Day!

Parental Influence and Home/School Partnerships

I have never worked at a school where there is such wonderful alignment between the values and behaviours expected at school and those expected in the home. The vast majority of our students come from homes where the messages we espouse in our classrooms are backed up unconditionally by parents. 


Children become highly confused when there is a discord between home and school in terms of values expectations. Every school has a "please don't hit or hurt" policy. I have worked in schools where some parents actually say to their kids, "If someone hurts you, just hurt them back." The good old dog-eat-dog approach! Imagine the confusion in the child and the conflict this elicits between home and school....when the student is stuck in the middle of that mess. Sometimes, mini-splits occur such as school wanting homework to be done and families pushing back and saying, "I don't believe in homework, you are not doing it." 


I want to say to our families how much we appreciate our messages being backed up in almost all of our homes. In the very small instances where this is not the case, we notice an upset child who is caught between the two worlds and that can be very distressing for them. Thankfully, that corruption is minuscule at SMPS and the children are better off for it. Faith in the institution is required for full success to be accessed.

Curriculum Day This Friday, May 17 - No Classes

Please remember that we have our Report Writing Day (Curriculum Day) this Friday, May 17. There will be no classes and OSHClub will run for those seeking child care on that day. As the name suggests, staff will begin writing student reports on this day.

Celebration of Learning Day (May 15 at 2:40pm)

All current families are reminded of the Celebration of Learning Day on Wednesday, May 15 where we open our classrooms at 2:40pm for families to visit. This will be followed by a celebration afternoon where families are encouraged to stay for a sausage sizzle and some entertainment on the forecourt. A reminder that all children must be supervised by a parent or carer from 3:30pm.