Deputy Principal

Ms Stephanie Mee - Deputy Principal Year 7 & 11

We find ourselves at almost the half way point of Term 2, deep into learning in our classes. Last Tuesday we came together as a school community to reflect on the progress of our students so far this year and share ways to continue to grow and learn.  These opportunities to come to together with a focus on reflection and improvement are important part of the learning process. It was so warming to see so many parents and students engage in this opportunity with our teachers.


The Year 11 End of Unit 1 exam block will commence Thursday next week (Week 5) and conclude the following Tuesday (Week 6). The block exam schedule will be shared with Year 11 students soon, along with expectations of Year 11 students during exam block. In preparation of these exams, as well as other Unit 1 assessment, students are encouraged to enact feedback given during Parent, Student Teacher Interviews last week to ensure they are achieving the best possible result and banking Unit 1 QCE credit points. Any Year 11 students considering a change to their subjects should be aware that the Year 11 Subject Change process opens in Week 7 and closes in Week 9 of Term 2. These students wanting to make adjustments to their learning pathways are to first make an appointment to see either Senior School Head of Department, Mrs Mel Robertson, or Year 11 Guidance Officer, Ms Kelsey Thompson.


Our current focus on the standard of school uniform worn by students continues to remain active to ensure school uniforms are being worn in the manner and standard outlined in the school uniform policy. Below is the pictorial representation of the uniform policy.

Students are regularly reminded that they are expected to wear their school uniforms as outlined above each and every school day. HOYs are available in E03 from 8:10am until 8:30am to help support students correct their uniform breaches before the commencement of school, without consequence. However, if students are found to be with uniform breaches throughout the day, they will be issued with a lunch time detention. As a school, we are very appreciative of the support of our community helping us maintain a high standard of our uniforms.


Today we celebrated the mothers and significant others within our school community at our Mother’s Day Breakfast. We say ‘thank you’ to all our nurturers in the lives of our students and hope they all have a relaxing day on Sunday.