Specialists STEM - Mr Brown

Term 1 ended with some amazing projects. 

The Foundation children were building fantastic things using a range of resources. The Year 1/2s created habitats for the creatures we found around the school. It has been great to continue hearing stories from the 3/4s about their plants still growing at home. They have also replanted all of the school planter boxes. The 5/6s did some great experimenting learning about micro organisms using yeast and there was some fascinating mould growing around the STEM room.


Term 2 

We have all started topics relating to different areas of Chemistry. 


Foundation are looking at all the materials that objects are made of and the purpose of why those materials were chosen. They are working towards creating ornaments that are going to decorate the garden area.


In Year 1/2 we are working on understanding what makes something a physical change. So far we have compared frozen and melted icy poles and cooked and dry spaghetti. Making pictures with the cooked spaghetti was definitely a bit of fun.


The Year 3/4s are researching materials focussing on packaging – what makes good packaging and why. Lets see if they can keep some fragile contents in one piece by the end of the unit.


Year 5/6s are learning about physical and chemical changes. We have started with a couple of experiments already using water and milk ice cubes and dissolving salt in water with several more investigations to come.


Chemistry brainteaser 

(First student from each year level to come to me with the correct answer will get a small prize)