Independence Centre


Selamat sore 3/4 families!


This term in Guided Inquiry, students are working in five, teacher guided groups researching topics of their choice based on our overarching topics: Space, Global Events, Transport & Technology and Animal Adaptations. Let’s hear from 3/4RM students describe what they’ve been working on so far! Keep a look out for our showcase at the end of the term and evidence uploaded to SeeSaw! 


Space: I’m researching rockets and asteroids in Space and going to present my Showcase using Minecraft Edu & Lego models- Max

Global Events: I like working with students from other classes and researching war events - Aidan

Transport & Technology: I enjoyed the ‘Then and Now’ diagram comparing how computers have changed over time - Durga

Animal Adaptations: We have been looking at Australian history timelines and how animals have changed over time - Williza


  • Scienceworks Excursion notice 
  • Reminder to please ensure charged iPads, headphones and wellbeing diaries to be brought to school everyday 

Pupil of the Week

3/4RM - Amelia D

Well done for ordering decimals on an open number line and drawing representations to compare them!


3/4B - Amelie H

For demonstrating your love of learning during maths by taking responsible risks. I enjoyed working with you to use MAB to explore decimals.


3/4W - Zoe D

For demonstrating creativity when writing your persuasive text about deserts. You included sizzling starts and persuasive techniques to uplevel your text!    


3/4S - Eric C 

For demonstrating a love of learning throughout our persuasive writing sessions. Well done on effectively planning your work and setting out clear arguments using PEEL paragraphs.


3/4K - Victor L 

For demonstrating creativity when using a range of persuasive devices in your writing.