From the Principal

Welcome Back Everyone!
I hope everyone had a restful break. The weather the first week was lovely, the second week not so great, but then that is to be expected as we head into autumn.
We have been very impressed with the calm way the students have returned to school after the holidays. We are looking forward to it being a positive term and that lots of learning will occur!
School Review
Every four years schools go through a Review process. People external to the school visit the school and talk with students, parents and staff to gain an understanding of things worth celebrating from the last four years, and also to help set the goals and targets for student learning and wellbeing for the next four years.
Scott and I met our Reviewer Natalie Toohey yesterday and she is keen to spend some more time getting to know our community and understanding what make LEPS so unique and special. She would love it if parents could attend a short 'Coffee and Chat' at 9:00 am on Wednesday 15 May. The session will only run for 30 minutes. Parents will have a chance to share what they love about our school and things you think we can do to improve our school. There are no wrong answers!!
If you are available to attend on this day, please contact Robyn, Suzanne or Bev in the office on 9465 4350 to let us know you can attend to assist us with our catering.
Parent Concerns
Schools are busy places with lots happening every day. There are times when things can be missed and we know this can be upsetting for parents. We also know that there are times when children go home and talk about something that has happened at school that day which can be also upsetting for parents.
We ask that parents remember our Statement of Values when communicating with school staff about matters of concern. There have been times when the story that was related at home was not the full story or an accurate version of what actually happened. It is upsetting for staff when parents take their frustrations out on them especially when it is based on an inaccurate version of events.
We ask that parents remember our school values of Respect, Cooperation, Caring, Honesty and Personal Best when discussing any concerns with staff. We all want the best for every student at our school. We are not the child's parent but it does not mean we do not care about them and want the best for them.
Photo Day - Wednesday 1 May
Our school photos will be taken on Wednesday 1 May. Photo envelopes will be sent home soon. Individual and class photos will be taken of all students at school on the day regardless of whether families have purchased photo packs. Sibling photos can also be ordered if you have more than one child at our school. A reminder to families to please place your order online with the photography company. LEPS cannot accept any payments on your behalf.
Please ensure your child is wearing the correct school uniform on this day.
Enrol Now for 2025
Enrolments are now open for 2025 Preps! If your child turns 5 by 30 April 2025, you can enrol them to start school at the beginning of 2025.
Enrolment packs are available at the office. Robyn, Suzanne or Bev will be happy to give you one.
Classroom Helpers Thank you
Thanks to Carly, Amanda, Rachel, Crystal, Joy and Lorraine for helping out in the classroom in term 1 and for spending time covering the new home reading books for the Prep-2s. We really appreciate all your help and the students love having you spend time with them.
If you are interested in becoming a classroom helper, call the school and ask to speak to Kim and she will arrange to include you in our next Parent Helpers Induction program. Don't worry it isn't scary and there won't be a test!
Kim is at LEPS on Mondays and Thursdays and can be reached on 9465 4350.