
APRIL 15, 2020
Did you know... This time 4 years ago, on Wednesday April 15, we embarked on our first-ever journey into remote and flexible learning!
It was a period of firsts as we navigated the unfamiliar territory of online classes, working from home, and mastering the art of video conferencing. We quickly became adept at muting and unmuting ourselves, and checking what could be seen in the background of our screens!
Looking back, those early days were filled with challenges, but they also brought us closer together as a community. It's amazing to see how much we've learned and grown since then.
While it’s a period of time that many people do not remember fondly, it’s now a part of our school’s story.
For those who would like to reminisce or read more about our school during that time, here is a link to the first newsletter of Term 2, 2020. Enjoy!
Here is a snippet of some current Year 5 students when they were in grade 1, reflecting on the start of remote learning!
Edie 1A
I have enjoyed learning from home, playing race to 100 with mum and doing reading eggs.
What I remember most is all of the kids in my family all had to sit around the same table to do our learning. When we came back to school it was hard to recognise people because they were wearing masks. The kids would use the chat at the start of each lesson and then the teacher would block it. I remember doing show and tell on Webex, it was bit crazy. We had our art books at home and I did a lot of drawing.
Cooper 1B
My first week of remote learning has been good so far. We had some problems with getting our devices to work to start with but now I have the hang of it. It is really nice to spend extra time with my family (especially my Dad who is working from home) and I love doing Reading Eggs and Mathletics. Mum also lets us have a "lunch order", we just have to let her know at snack time. I really miss Ms Joy and my school friends.
I remember one day when my brother was getting really frustrated because he couldn’t write a story and mum was yelling at him. It was not a great day. Mum made it like a proper school day and we had fruit time, recess and lunch! I was happy to see my friends when we came back to school but found the masks uncomfortable as they covered the bottom of my glasses. My teacher got frustrated when someone wouldn’t mute themselves and was playing was lego.
Carter 1C
The thing I miss most about school is seeing my teacher and my mates.
I remember using Webex and it sometimes being glitchy. People forgot to mute and you could hear everyone talking. I remember we had joke days. I remember the joke I told. Q: What’s brown and sticky? A: A stick! We did a test and were shown a picture and we had to guess what movie it was from.
I was happy to come back to school even when we had to wear masks. I’ve still got them in my locker! I remember making some stop motion videos.
Liam 1D
This is my space. It’s so good because I have my own little grey chair. I like learning at home because I get to be with my family.
I remember my dog running in and back out when I was learning from home. It was a bit glitchy so the teacher told me to speak louder, then mum told me off for talking so loud and I had to go outside and do it. I don’t still have the grey chair that I really liked. I made an obstacle course for a PE activity and then had to run it. The obstacle course I made was probably about a 7/10.