Scotsburn News

Important Dates
Scotsburn Assemblies | Friday 19th April Friday 17th May Friday 7th June Friday 21st June |
Whole School Assemblies | Friday 3rd May Friday 24th May Friday 28th June |
ANZAC Day (pupil free) | Thursday 25th April |
Staff Professional Development Day (pupil free) | Friday 26th April |
School Photos | Tuesday 30th May/Wednesday 1st June |
Japanese Day | Friday 3rd May |
Book Fair | Monday 29th April - Friday 3rd June |
Curriculum Day (pupil free) | Thursday 30th May |
Scotsburn Parents’ Dinner | Tuesday 4th June |
King’s Birthday (pupil free) | Monday 10th June |
Last Day of Term (2:30pm dismissal) | Friday 28th June |
Welcome Back
A warm welcome back to the entire Scotsburn community. We hope that everyone enjoyed a great break and are ready and raring for an exciting Term 2. As always, we have lots planned for the term and we can’t wait to get stuck into it. We look forward to seeing everyone throughout this week - pop in and see us when you get the chance!
End of Term 1 Celebrations
Term 1 certainly ended with lots of exciting activities and fun! It was fabulous to see so many students bring in their bikes or scooters on the last day for some riding time with their friends. We have had lots of positive feedback from students about bringing their bikes or scooters to school so we will aim for another day toward the end of the year for this to happen again.
On the last day of the term, students who reached the Term 1 reading target, made a pizza for their lunch. It was amazing to see how many of our students reached the target and celebrated their achievement. As mentioned at our end of term assembly, the response from students and parents in completing and supporting home reading in Term 1 was terrific. We will be setting another target for Term 2 and will continue supporting students in reaching the target. Home reading is part of our weekly homework and we will continue to promote its importance within the class.
New Carpet!
It has been lovely to start the term with fresh new carpet across both classes in the double portable. We are very fortunate to have had this installed over the holiday break and students are doing a wonderful job looking after it so far!
Holiday Animal Care
A big thank you to Zoe and her family for looking after Pip the lizard over the holidays, as well as Charlie, Gracie and their family for feeding the chickens. We love providing the opportunity for families to look after our animals. If your family is interested in some animal care throughout the year, please come and see us.
Scotsburn Assembly - This Friday
To kick off Term 2, we will hold our first assembly this Friday in the shed at 3pm. We would love to see as many families in attendance as possible. Feel free to pop into the old building a little earlier for a cuppa and a catch up!
SAVE THE DATE - Parent Social Event
Lock in the date - Tuesday 4th June! After such a successful event last year, we are again going to organise a Scotsburn parent social evening. This was one of the highlights of the year on the parent calendar in 2023, so let's get as many there as we can this year to make it another wonderful event!
Drop offs and Pickups
Just a reminder that at the busy times of drop offs and pickups, it is good practise to exit the car park via the Scotsburn Hall service road, the Buninyong end. This will assist with a smoother process at these times and ensure the buses have no head on traffic. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Scotsburn Intercampus Travel At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day. We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher. |
Staff Contacts
Mr Morgan:
Mrs Anderson:
Mrs Robinson:
Mrs Morgan:
Ms Middlin:
The Scotsburn Team