Teaching & Learning News

Coburg’s New Year 10 Applied Learning Program
LHCS is excited to announce the forthcoming launch of a new Year 10 program at our Coburg campus which is focussed on Applied Learning and designed to build core foundational skills to allow a smooth transition into the VCE - VM (Vocational Major) senior pathway. This program will be starting from the beginning of Term 3 this year, and applications are open to both current LHCS students at the Richmond campus and all external Year 10s at other schools.
There will be a taster day in Week 6 of Term 2, and then two orientation afternoons for successful candidates in the final weeks of Term 2.
If you or someone you know is interested in knowing more about this program, please see LHCS’s website https://www.lynallhall.vic.edu.au/ or contact enrolment@lynallhall.vic.edu.au.
Coburg VCE-VM updates
In Term 1 the VCE-VM students based at Coburg attended an excursion to CERES Environmental Park for the Literacy and PDS classes. The students studied CERES as a local social enterprise case study and spent time researching how CERES markets itself, including signage and branding. Students had an opportunity to explore the physical facilities and community programs on offer at CERES, including bike maintenance, urban farms, school education and a café.
Coburg Library
Students also spent an afternoon at the Coburg Library after signing up for Merri-Bek library cards to enable full use of the library facilities. A librarian provided a tour of the spaces and students had an opportunity to learn how the 3D printers work, and explore the local history resources.
Applied Learning Update
Hands on Learning
The Hands on Learning program has continued running weekly on Wednesdays this year with our two Hands on Learning artisans, Molly and Megan. Students have worked on an array of school-based and individual projects including instrument cases, school seating and even smelting metal in a hand-crafted forge.
Instrumental Music
In Term 1 we welcomed Erica Dunn as a Instrumental Music teacher, and in Term 2 we welcome back Dan Kelly. Instrumental Music gives participating students opportunities to pursue music interests, instruments, skills, and knowledge outside of the regular music classes in the school in both individual and small group settings.
Technology Electives
On Wednesday afternoons all Year 7-10 Richmond students have been participating in our new tech electives. In Term 1 student rotated between Woodwork, Gardening, Digi-Tech and Textiles. In Term 2 students have each chosen their preferred option to focus on for the term, allowing for greater skill development and bigger projects to be achieved.
Richmond Advance
Similar to our new tech electives Year 7-10 students on Tuesday afternoons rotated between tasters (art, cooking, sport and music) in Term 1. Students have now chosen from these for their Term 2 elective. In these electives students will meet the Personal Development components of the Advance certificate framework. Other components will be achieved on Friday afternoons, where all students are involved in projects and other activities under the banner of Community. We have begun the term by undertaking recognised training in CPR and First Aid.
End of Term Music Performance
The first music concert for the year was held on the last Wednesday of Term 1. It featured students from all year levels and a varied repertoire of songs drawn from such diverse genres as 60s pop, 80s Goth, Surf Rock and Soul/Jazz Ballads. Shout outs to Kettle, Oscar, Harley, Callan, Astro, Lila, Billie, Crystal and Taylah for some awesome performances. It was great to see so many of our young people involved, especially those making their stage debuts. Speaking of debuts, it was also the first school show for the newest member of our music staff, Nic Ryan-Glenie, who performed on bass, keys and trumpet. Thanks, Nic, great to have you on the team. Thanks also to Barb and Phil for their ongoing participation, Alana for overseeing the organisation of the event and all the other staff and students who helped make it happen.