VCE Camp

The Year 11 and Year 12 students of 2025 started their Kickstart program at the end of November introducing the subjects and course work for the coming year. The first week consisted of a variety of activities focussing on study habits, time management as well as establishing goals and bonding the students as a cohort. The week culminated in a three-day camp at CYC Phillip Island Adventure Resort. The program included opportunities for community building and reflection on their goals for the year.
Throughout the camp, students developed perseverance as they attempted to stand up on their surfboards, encouraged each other to achieve at archery and worked together to meet the objectives when canoeing or on the giant swing. As a tie-in to the biology and chemistry units, students collected water samples for analysis, identified habitats and observed the penguin parade.
Students were given time to spend with God both corporately and individually with the 2025 chapel prefects leading corporate worship beautifully. The camp allowed the students to prepare and refresh ready to tackle VCE in 2025.
Lisa Thomson
Secondary Teacher