Student Awards

Students of the Week
Chloe A, 2A - for being an exemplary student and role model at Gardenvale PS. I appreciate all your hard work and effort!
Lulu B, 5B - for displaying empathy, kindness and understanding towards others.
HERRRBy Awards
Olivia K, 1A - for being a kind, caring and thoughtful class member who consistently displays the HERRRby values.
Ryan F 4B - for showing the HERRRBy values to the highest standard, each and every day!
Green HERRRBy Award
Noa K, PA - for always making sure our classroom is neat and tidy. Prep A is so lucky to have you!
Japanese Ninja Star Awards
Sienna C, PB - for always focusing on tasks and showing great manners during Japanese class. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!
Joel S, 1C - for being an enthusiastic learner and using many new Japanese words during the lesson. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!
Harvey H, 2C - for demonstrating HERRRBy values and being a constant contributor during Japanese class.すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!
Adam W, 5D - for enthusiastically participating in various activities during Japanese class.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"
Annika H, 6C - for demonstrating HERRRBy values and working diligently during Japanese lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Ella Y, PB- for writing an amazing recount about the Melbourne Zoo. You can create detailed sentences using conjunctions ‘but’ and ‘before’ Superstar effort!
Yana R, PC - for working extremely hard on her spelling bee words! You did an excellent job on your first Great Gardenvale Spelling Bee!
Ollie R, 1A - for his great enthusiasm and interest when observing and learning about earthworms. You are becoming a great scientist! Well done.
Cassie P, 1B - for writing an impressive information report all about frogs! You included interesting words and humour to engage your reader. Well done.
Ciara J, 1C - or always putting trust in her abilities across all learning areas. You should be most proud of what you have achieved this year.
Jacob Z, 1D - for your enthusiasm for learning new things and sharing your diverse knowledge with the class.
Eden K, 2A - for his outstanding persuasive letter to his parents arguing to go to America. Now I am craving a Grimace Shake and an adventure! Well done.
Aurelia K, 2B - for your wonderfully persuasive letter about a holiday to Paris. Your descriptions and use of rhetorical questions convinced me to visit and I cannot wait to see the fancy palaces and diamond chandeliers!
Adele L, 2C - for your hard working attitude and progress you have made in maths when working on daily reviews. Awesome effort, Adele!
Luca M, 2D - for your perseverance and excellent quality of work. Your dedication inspires us. Keep up the amazing effort.
Heidi P, 3A - for the enormous effort she puts into her work every day. What a super star!
Meja F, 3B - for her positive attitude, work ethic and the way she treats others. You are a role model for others, Meja!
Eleanor B, 4C - for writing a well thought out and detailed plan for our persuasive topic ‘Gardenvale is the Best School.’
Henry M, 5A – for overcoming his fear of public speaking and presenting clear, persuasive arguments during class parliament.
Toby B, 5C - for being helpful, punctual, and always setting a great example during school.
Ruby Rose S, 5D - for doing an outstanding job as the Minister for Environment in 5D Parliament!
Sophia C, 6A - for being such a helpful, engaged and funny student. It’s been great having you in 6A this year.
Angus M, 6B - for continually striving to be the best version of himself by showing his values. You legend!
Harlie B, 6C - for her excellent work and success in Maths Clinics on Decimal Fractions.