Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Cluster News
This week we will be consolidating our learning, swimming and beginning some Christmas crafts. We realise this is a busy time of year and therefore encourage you to give your child some rest over the weekend. If they are showing symptoms of illness, please keep them home. If sending in Christmas cards, we ask that these are given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the day to hand out.
Friday 29/11
Swimming forms, Library books, take-home books are due back as there is no more borrowing.
A friendly reminder that our Christmas concert is on Friday the 29th of December at 7:00pm. Students need to be at their classroom at 6.45pm. Students need to wear casual clothes and will be wearing a costume over the top. Parents must collect their child from the classroom afterwards.
Monday 2/12
Normal school day. Please continue to pack your child’s take-home folder as we will begin sending items home. Please also clear out their backpack to ensure it is ready to receive items.
Tuesday 3/12 – Swimming
Wednesday 4/12 – Swimming – No lunch orders
Thursday 5/12 – Swimming
Friday 6/12 – Swimming – No lunch orders
Sunscreen, Hats, Water Bottles
With the lovely sunny weather comes high UV rating and the recommendation for sunscreen. We encourage sunscreen be applied at home and then children top up before recess in class. If your child cannot wear the school supplied Woolworths brand sunscreen, please pack a labelled container in your child’s bag.
Reading – We encourage regular reading throughout the holidays. Local libraries provide a great selection of books.
Each day students need to bring the following. Please label everything.
- Take Home Bags which are also for Library borrowing.
- water bottles
- a fruit/veg snack
- recess
- lunch – ‘nude’ food (no wrappers), leave chocolates or lollies for home
- Cancer Council recommends hats and sunscreen when the UV rating is 3 or above.
May God bless your week,
Melanie and Ellen
Melanie Arnold
Tim Kriewaldt
Ellen Zimmer