
The Birth of Jessus
1 Timothy 3: 16 tells us about Jesus that "He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory".
Timothy reminds us of the Christmas message - that Jesus was born to be King. In last week's devotion, we saw that when Jesus was sentenced to death, He told Pilate, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth...” (John 18:37).
It can sometimes be easy to celebrate Jesus' birth on Christmas Day, and to then set Jesus aside or pack him up, a bit like our Christmas decorations going away for another year! It can also be one thing to celebrate the birth of Jesus as a baby in a manger, and another thing entirely to carry and share the good news about Jesus throughout the year.
In 1 Timothy, Paul is teaching us that Jesus, who physically came to the world to be with us, proved the truth of all he said and did by dying on the cross and rising from the dead to rescue us from sin and death and then ascending into to heaven.
It is a great reminder for us to reflect this Christmas about how we can enable Jesus to become central to who we are and how we seek to share goodness and hope with those around us, sharing the good news all year round.
Heavenyl Father, thank you that you remind us of the salvation that we having in Jesus each Christmas as we celebrate his birth. We pray that you would help us to share this good news all year round. Thank you for your love for us in sending Jesus to become our Savior, Lord, and King. Amen.
Will Wallace