Term 4
Term 4
Our most recent Maths topic is Fractions and Decimals. Our first decimal lesson was all about exploring the links between fractions and decimals. We focused on converting between tenths as a fraction and tenths as a decimal using tenths grids.
Fluency Pairs has been an ongoing focus throughout the year in English. Each term we get a new partner to read texts with. As our topic in English at the moment is Chemical Science our Fluency Text was also about Chemical Science. Each person gives their partner encouraging feedback with the way they read.
Remembrance Day
This week we learnt all about Remembrance Day and why it is such an important day to all. We learnt about the history behind Remembrance Day and how it was originally called Armistice Day until it was changed. We discussed all the symbols that are associated with Remembrance Day and chose a few to research further.
Bike Ed
This term the 3/4s have been lucky enough to participate in Bike Ed. It consists of various aspects of bike handling, road safety, and the responsibilities of being a cyclist.