Foundation KC

This year has flown and our Foundation students have come so far. It's hard to believe we are nearing the end of our first year of school. The love of learning in so many areas is alive and well- So many valuable opportunities to grow and change and to connect and build relationships.
Recently, Foundation KC had the opportunity to visit John Hannah house, meet some of the residents and participate in some intergenerational Maths games. Our little people were so delightful; sharing and engaging with the older adults. It was such a wonderful opportunity to connect with our community and build connections with our neighbours. Here are some happy pics from our time together..
In Maths, we have been learning all about Data. We know Data is when you collect information and present it in different ways to show your findings. We enjoyed a fun lesson using jelly bean colours to tally the cplours we had from our 10 jellybeans...