Principal Post

Dear Families,
Excitement abounds as we ready ourselves for the House Athletics Sports at Ross Reserve!
Please read all the information on this page and on our sports page!
Celebration of the Sacrament of First Eucharist
Last weekend's First Communions were wonderful celebrations for our students and their families. We continue to pray that through the Eucharist and support of the family they will always know of God's unconditional love.
We congratulate the students in our school who will make their First Eucharist at one of the Parish Masses this coming weekend.
Once again, I thank the dedicated teachers for preparing the students so well in their classroom lessons.
The Celebration of the Sacrament is conducted by the Parish (not the school) so if you have any queries, please ring the Parish office.
Class Masses
Last Friday 1-2 B hosted the last of the class Masses for 2024. We would like to thank all our students for leading our Mass celebrations so well across the year. It is obvious they these Masses mean so much to our students, so proudly and confidently lead by each class. Each one was a 'highlight' reflective and engaging. We thank Jonathan Rooney our REL and all teachers for their preparation and to the many families who came to our celebrate with us both at Mass and at morning tea. May worship, welcome and hospitality always be key markers within our community.
Update: Scanlon Building Restoration
Foundation classes have today moved back into the Scanlon building. Foundation L and P are in their classrooms and Foundation KC are in the shared area outside these two classes.
Disco - Oh What a Night!
The Disco was a huge success with most of our students joining the festivities and dancing away into the night!
We thank our Parent and Friends for their organisation and ongoing support making the night a true celebration of our SJV community.
Foundation 2025 Transition
Our first transition day for our 2025 Foundation students occurred on Monday. This was a fantastic success. We witnessed very settled and excited people who seemed very enthusiastic to begin their school journey. The next session is on Tuesday November 19th.
SJV House Sports Day
The annual SJV House Sports Day will be held this Friday 15th November at Ross Reserve Athletics track, 9 Memorial Drive, Noble Park (off Corrigan Rd)
All students will need to be dropped at Ross Reserve Athletics track between 8:30-8:50 on Friday 15th November. If your child is unwell, please ring the school absence line before 9am.
Students will need to bring a school hat, suncreen, their lunch and snack and a water bottle. There is no canteen open for students to purchase food or drink.
Please note that all parents need to be at the track NO LATER than 3pm to pick up their child. Parents must be contactable throughout the day!
There will not be any staff onsite at school.
Since we are using Springvale Little Athletics track, we will use their fantastic athletics facilities. Year 3-6 students will participate in long jump, discus and shot put, as well as sprints on the track and other fun games and activities. F-2 students will also do sprints and long jump as well as other fun games and activities.
The day will conclude at 3:00pm, all students will need to be collected from Ross Reserve Athletics track and signed out by their parent/guardian. Parents will need to be at the track before 3pm.
Our Foundation students will be attending Swimming lessons beginning next Monday 18th November. The Swimming lessons will be held every day except Tuesday for two weeks. The program is run by Aquastar and the venue is Haileybury College Keysborough.
Parents have been sent detailed information about lesson times.
SJV Spirit Day - December 5
Colour Fun Run & Talent Show
All students will need a white t-shirt to participate in this event.
If anyone can lend a water gun for the day could the school please borrow. This will only be used on students that wish to be squirted.
So far only 113 students have joined up.
On December 5th this year the school will be holding a Talent Show and a Colour Fun Run. This community event -SJV Spirit Day will need our Parents support to help cook a BBQ after school from 2.30pm- 4.00pm.
Please sign up to help using this link.
Spirit day
You need to have a Working with Children.
We want as many parents as possible to participate.
SJV Community Carnival-Save the date 29th March 2025
This event will be our major school fundraiser for 2025.
If you have a business and can donate any Vouchers or Goods for Raffle prizes, please contact or hand into the office reception.
If you think you can help in any other way please contact:
Next Meeting: 20th November
Remembrance Day 2025
The school stopped for a minute's silence Monday at 11.00am and listened to a short liturgy over the loudspeaker to reflect and remember those who served. Our Social Justice Captains led us so respectfully and shared information about why we sell poppies at our whole school assembly.
Wellington Kindergarten
Our Grade 5O went to Wellington Kindergarten to continue our Community Program with them. Wellington kindergarten have commented on how much they have enjoyed having the grade 5 students with them.
Bike Education 2025
Our Grade 3/4 have been loving their Bike Education lessons. Some students who could not ride bikes are now able to ride. We will be continuing this program over the next few weeks and again in 2025.
Not returning in 2025
We believe we are aware of the few students currently in Year 1-5 who are moving area and will not be attending SJV in 2025. If you have not informed us, please ring and email the school immediately as it effects our planning and enrolment numbers.
Working With Children Check
A reminder to all our parents and grandparents that should you wish to volunteer. If you do not have one you can still apply on: https: //
If you have one currently, please bring in or email to the office at
Please note our next School Closure Day is Friday 6th December - Planning Day for 2025.
Please see our Important Dates page for all upcoming events and Term 1 2025 testing and starting days and place