Wellbeing Awards

Presented to Foundation - Year 5 Students at School Assembly

Friday, 29th of November @ 2.45pm



Margot B - FJR - For working super hard on her reading and writing. Great work!


Evie W - FMH - For being a kind and caring friend to her classmates


Ivy C - FAM - For showing kindness towards her classmates and working hard at school. Keep it up Ivy! 


Airlie F - FMK - For showing dedication in all her learning while completing her work to a high standard. Outstanding Airlie!


Jack B - FJC - For always trying your best and showing amazing commitment to your learning. What a superstar you are, Jack!


Raff J -1LP - For approaching all of his school activities in a calm manner, showing patience to others and always having a positive outlook on his learning. What a superstar! 


Hannah F - 1AW - For being a resilient and persistent member of our class. You always work hard and bravely jump into the learning pit every day. Well done Hannah!


Poppy G - 1GL - For showing kindness to help other in the class.


Cleo Mc - 1JE - For trying her best at concentrating and staying focused during floor time. We are all so proud of your efforts Cleo, keep up the great work.


Lani W - 2AG - For consistently demonstrating empathy and respect for others.


Ari B - 2JM - For always supporting his friends.


Penelope G - 2MS - For her kindness and compassion towards others and her respectful behaviour within the classroom.


Maddy I - 2MS - For the loving kindness and respect that she consistently shows everyone in our classroom.


Rose K - 2JE - For outstanding creativity in her Writing.


Alfie Mc - 3NK - For his outstanding positivity and resilience when tackling challenging situations. Keep shining bright Alfie.


Colby E - 3MP - For his focus and commitment to his learning.


Johnny O - 3PC - For maintaining dedication towards his learning.


Isla W - 4RB - For continually being kind and caring toward all her peers and teachers.


Max - 4SE - For being an empathetic and inclusive friend and demonstrating great resilience when faced with challenges.


Riley R - 4JH - For being a committed and curious learner.


Adayva R - 4LB - For demonstrating kindness and genuine care towards her classmates.


Jensen K - 5SB - For having excellent collaboration skills during the Shark Tank project.


Neela B - 5CM - For always showing Kindness & Trust, a wonderful role model in Yr5.


Juliette M - 5CM - For always showing Trust & Kindness, a wonderful role model in Yr5.


Henry L - 5CC - For always being a kind and caring student. Superstar!!


Cassia P - 5CC - For always being a kind and caring student. Amazing!!


 Viv M - 5FA - For always demonstrating respect and kindness towards her peers in Year 5 sport.