From the Principal

Dear LPS Families and Friends,
I hope everyone has had an enjoyable week, it looks like summer has arrived! Please remember to have your child apply some sunscreen before they leave in the morning and if you like, put some in their bag for later. On days like today, we tend only to have students outside for half of lunch as it is unsafe and not enjoyable to be out in the heat for a full 50 minutes.
Last week our leadership team of myself, Kristine Roose, Robyn Mowat, Zahra Harvey, Lex Fisher and Kayla Pepper spent time assessing our progress on the 2024 AIP and also planning our goals and actions for the 2025 AIP.
In order to develop this plan we spent time together analysing our goals from 2024 and looking at our achievement in regards to our targets. This included looking at data and also changes in staff practice and knowledge. When assessing the impact of our actions we look at:
- The Student Attitude to School survey as well as the Parent and Staff Opinion Surveys
- Assessment data
- Planning documents
- Classroom practice
In developing the new plan it is important to keep an eye on our Strategic Plan goals. The 2 goals that we will focus most heavily on next year are listed below.
- Optimise the learning growth of all students in Literacy and Numeracy
- Enhance students’ social and emotional wellbeing
The AIP needs to be completed and submitted to our Senior Education Improvement Leader (Justin Butler) by the end of the school year. Once the plan has been approved by Justin I will share it with the school community, this will be early next year.
Our UP sessions for this year have been planned for the following dates:
22/11 Literacy UP
29/11 Maths UP
10/12 Meet new class and teacher
13/12 Session with new class and new teacher
These UP sessions are an opportunity for students to meet the current teachers of their new year level and to experience the work they will do next year. The aim of the UP sessions is to help students see that going to a new year level is like doing term 5 of their current year, it is just a continuation of the current program. The last 2 sessions are with a students new class and give them the opportunity to build some new connections before the holidays.
In 2025 we will have 22 classes, 1 less than in 2024:
- 4 x prep
- 3 x at all other year levels
Our student numbers for 2025 are currently sitting at 488 with 65 preps. This is about 7 more preps than in 2024. We are still taking inquiries and it is possible that we will have a few more enrolments before the new school year.
There is a lot to consider when deciding on the class structure for any school year, for example:
- The needs of the students
- The number of students in the cohort
- The schools budget
- What other resources might be available to support the students
I am looking forward to students and staff finding out their classes for 2025, there will no doubt be some nerves or disappointment for some students but we will get through it together!
Have a wonderful weekend, despite the scorching heat.
Adam Wight \ Principal