From the Principal Class

Dear Viewbank Community,
The final newsletter for 2024, and what a huge year we have had!
The College has continued to prioritise a focus on learning growth, whole school literacy and numeracy initiatives and support for students below expected level.
We have had some very pleasing NAPLAN results, and as reported in the media, ‘Viewbank College students in Years 7 & 9 performed well above average in all NAPLAN areas, beating many high fee private schools’.
Our VCE results were also very good.
We had an average study score of 31, with our Dux, Andre Canales, achieving an ATAR of 99.6.
41% of our students achieved an ATAR of 80+, which is the best result for many years.
The successful introduction of the Vocational Major has also given students another valid pathway, and we congratulate our first cohort through the program.
As a college, we continue to prioritise student wellbeing and engagement.
We have reworked the structure of our House System to move Year 10 students into the Senior School.
This restructure is based on student and staff feedback, and will allow us to target Overlay program support that meets the needs of our Year 10’s.
None of the care and support provided for students will change, but it will be more targeted and age appropriate for students approaching their VCE years.
The usual gala events such as the music evenings or the annual production were again a highlight, thanks to the commitment of our Music and Performing Arts teams and FOPA. The Art/Tech show, the Holocaust Exhibition, Languages Theatre, Middle School Production and many other events - all major community building events and opportunities for students to engage.
This year, we had our first student produced and directed film, Rear Mirror.
It is a testament to the drive and initiative of our students, and we must not underestimate their passion and ability.
We have achieved amazing sporting success this year, with teams and individuals continuing to perform at District and State level.
Participation rates were also incredibly high again, and it is great to see our students represent Viewbank College with so much commitment and good sportsmanship.
Congratulations and thankyous:
I want to acknowledge and thank all of our staff who have committed an extraordinary amount of time and effort to ensure that students can pursue their interests, achieve academically, and maintain the social connections that are so important to their personal growth.
Thanks also to you, the College community, for your support this year.
The education of our young people is their pathway to the future.
Your support in ensuring your students attend school, engage in their learning and home study is critical to their success.
The research is clear - without these routines and stability, their likelihood of success in life drops away.
The following staff have retired or are retiring during 2025.
We wish to acknowledge their contribution to public education and to Viewbank College.
- Andrew Papadakis (45 years)
- Asha Dey (24 years)
We wish them a long and happy retirement!
We also have farewelled a number of staff who have been with us and given so much to the students at the College.
These staff are seeking new challenges in other settings.
- David Antrobus
- Fiona Ellis
- Lauren Fairbrass
- Amy Hooper
- Shandelle Feduniw
- Casey Lawson
- Leonie Siu
- Lisa Zhou
- Jo Shiells
We wish them all the best in future.
Finally, I wish all of our families a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
See you back and rested in 2025.
Sharon Grimes, Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Anna Crosswhite, Assistant Principal
Penelope Cleghorn, Assistant Principal