Parents' Association

To our WONDERFUL PA Members...
A VERY BIG thank you to all our PA members who have supported us in 2024. As a school we greatly appreciate all PA members for your hard work, support and significant contributions this year. Thanks also to our fabulous Class Reps who have done an amazing job supporting the Exec team.
We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the following parents who are stepping down from their roles at the end of the year: Elisa Sapuppo (President); Emma Geor-Lai (Vice President); Lucinda Hobson (Secretary); and Jenni Chittleborough (Treasurer) for all their work and energy as PA Executive members.
Many thanks to ALL members of the PA Exec Team for the dedication, generosity and leadership. Sacred Heart Kew is all the richer for having such dedicated and generous parents serving our school in this space. All your efforts have been greatly appreciated.
Parents' Association Annual General Meeting
Last week at our PA AGM, nominations were put forward for the following vacant positions.
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
We are pleased to announce that in 2025, the PA Executive will consist of:
President - Sarah Lombardi (Tommy Yr 3)
Vice President - Loretta Nikolarakos (Elia Yr 3) and Luisa Superina-Williams (Mimi Yr 3)
Secretary - Sherelle Thompson (Nixon Yr 3)
Treasurer - Laura Korda (Oscar Yr 3, Isabelle Yr 1) and Nicole Rees (Olivia Yr 3, Oscar Prep)
Thanks also to those parents who are considering taking on the Class Representatives roles next year.
2025 Parents' Association Meeting Dates (all meetings will begin at 6:30pm)
Term 1
Tuesday 25 February
Term 2
Tuesday 29 April (online)
Term 3
Tuesday 12 August (online)
Term 4
AGM - Tuesday 25 November
School Advisory Council
As you know, the School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent voice and community perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the School Principal and Custodian of Mission for the good of school and parish, where students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount.
School Advisory Council members' primary role is to provide assistance and advice on school matters to support the Principal in the context of the MACS governance arrangements.
A sincere thanks to all our School Advisory Council members (see below) for all their valuable support and contributions to our school this year, providing parent voice and advice, so our school continues to thrive and be a positive learning environment for all members.
Father Trevor
Chris Leung
Elisa Sapuppo
Phil Ryan
Anton Punith
Danielle Gerecke
Ed Weekes
I wish to acknowledge and thank Chris Leung for his role as Chairperson of our School Advisory Council this year.
I also acknowledge and thank Elisa Sapuppo who finishes up her time as the PA representative on the School Advisory Council. Thank you for your contributions over the past two years.
I also wish to acknowledge and thank Father Trevor Tibbertsma for his support of the school during his time here at Sacred Heart Kew. We wish him well for his future plans.
The School Advisory Council holds 5 meetings a year along with the AGM in November. Next year the meetings are scheduled for the following dates:
2025 SAC Dates
Term 1
Tuesday 25 February 7.30pm
Term 2
Tuesday 29 April 7.30pm (online)
Tuesday 3 June 7pm
Term 3
Tuesday 12 August 7.30pm (online)
Term 4
Tuesday 21 October 7pm
AGM - Tuesday 25 November 7.30pm
The final day of Tuckshop wil be Friday 13 December.
Term 1 2025 Save the Dates
Sacred Heart Meals Service
What is the meals service?
The Sacred Heart Meals Service is available to all Sacred Heart families that require some practical help in the form of meals at a time of need. This may be due to a very happy occasion such as a new birth in the family, or in more difficult circumstances such as a death or illness in a family.
How does it work?
The Meals Service Coordinators can be contacted by a teacher, class rep, member of the Parents Association, a friend within the school or the family members themselves. The coordinators would then contact the family to chat about what would be helpful (e.g. how often, favourite meals, dietary requirements etc) and then coordinate the service, requesting assistance from the relevant year level.
It’s important to note that we are very careful in being discreet at all times and maintaining confidentiality, ensuring the family are happy with what information (if any) is passed on to those we are asking to assist.
We can be contacted via the following methods:
Amy McIvor
Ph 0411 034 463
Caroline O’Sullivan
Ph 0419 100 964
Please feel free to reach out to either of us with any questions, we are here to help!
Kind regards,
Caroline O’Sullivan (Billy Year 3) and Amy McIvor (Rafferty Year 2)