Junior School Council

Our Junior School Council have been working really hard and going around to classes to survey them. We have been surveying classes to see what kids of all ages like about this school and what they think the school can improve on. We found that a lot of kids like playing with their friends and playing on the equipment in the yard at recess and lunch. A lot of students dislike people being left out and people being mean to each other. Some kids are concerned about the equipment and think it should be updated. They also commented on the gates and most of all the speakers not being loud enough outside. We have collected all of this valuable data and we are now putting it together with an action plan to show the principals.
We are going to do all we can to make our school a better place. We want to keep Oatlands as place where kids feel safe and happy and appreciated. This is important in helping all kids to be their very best.
We are also really happy to start working on the Colour Run which is coming up this term!
By Angelina, 6RF