Grade Six

Term 4 has been a great start for the grade 6’s. We are looking forward to all the upcoming end of year activities such as the production, swimming , a hot chip lunch and a graduation full of sad and happy tears.
Ultimate Frisbee
Recently, the grade 6’s have started an ultimate frisbee competition in sport! We are all separated into different teams with new people and compete against others in an exciting and intense competition. We all try our hardest to include everyone in the game. We are enjoying making new friends in our groups and doing smooth throws with the frisbee.
Maths Ice-cream unit
In Maths, we have been doing a fun ice-cream unit where we create our own ice-cream flavours and get kids to vote which one they like most. The winning pair will get to create their ice-cream and sell it among the senior school students. We are tempted to win and make some ice-cream!
Persuasive Writing
In English, all the grade six classes have been working on our persuasive writing. We get to choose our own topic and will try to persuade our audience to be on our side of the argument.
The grade 6’s are excited to finish one of our last writing pieces for the year.
Last Production!
The grade 6’s are all pumped up for our last production dance! We are beginning to practice our amazing dance moves to show off to the crowd! We are all going to try our hardest and put all our energy into the dance. This year's production will certainly be a big, special memory for all of the grade 6’s.
It is nearly the end of the year and the grade 6’s are going to miss all the memories here at Oatlands Primary School. We all hope to get a chance to visit Oatlands one more time.
By Mei, 6JS