Learning Centre News... 

Learning Centre One

Welcome back everyone to the beginning of Term 4! The preps have come back with so much energy and excitement for their last Term in prep!


During literacy, the students have been learning how they can segment words into their syllables. They have also been exploring narratives and how they’re texts that include characters. The students looked at how they could identify and describe the main character from the text being explored. The students then looked at how they can retell a story through role play and looked at how in fairytale characters have a specific role. In writing the students looked deeper into the other elements that make up a narrative being the setting, how a story is sequenced and how they can use visualisation when texts are read to them and exploring the images that come into their minds.


In Maths, it has been an eventful couple of weeks as the students have been exploring how data can be represented in a range of ways. Students collected a range of data and then chose different ways in which they could represent the data they had gathered being bar graphs, pictographs or tally marks. Students then went out into the carpark and thought about the ways in which they could use the car park as a means to gather, organise and represent the data they had gathered on the staff cars.


Within Religion, the students have had a focus on Jesus’ and the people within his family. They created a family tree depicting all the people that are in Jesus’ family. The students then explored their own families and the people that make up their families. They then created family trees of the people that are in their family and those that are related to them.


Transitioning to Year One

As we prepare to transition the students to year one we would like your support in helping them to develop their independence by allowing them to leave the learning space at the end of the day to find the person that will be collecting them. It is important that you inform your child in the morning of who and the area in which they will require to go to be picked up at the end of the day. We would also like the students to be bringing their bags in themselves in the morning as another means for us to prepare them to transition to year one. We thank you for your understanding and constant support. 


Playground outside LC1

It is important that at the end of the school day there are no children playing on the playground. The playground isn’t supervised by staff, and we would hate for anyone to injure or hurt themselves.


Some friendly reminders:

  • Students require their iPads for learning. Please ensure that they’re charged and brought to school each day.
  • Book bags get changed every Monday. Please make sure they’re bought back so they can be changed and returned Tuesday.
  • Summer uniform to commence after the holidays. Please ensure you have a labeled hat as we will be needing them for outside play as they will have to remain in the shade if they don’t have a hat.
  • 17th October - Cyber Safety Parent Online Info Session 4 @ 7:30pm (Digital Balance & Wellbeing) 
  • 18th October - Excursion to the movies  
  • 20th October - School Disco - bookings can be made using the link on the whole school dojo page.
  • 27th October - LC1 and LC2 Mass
  • 3rd November - Whole School Assembly
  • 6th November - Student Free Day (Cup Day eve)
  • 7th November - Melbourne Cup Day

Prep Team - Amanda, Donna, Imogen, Kiah, Mary, Sam & Tina. 


Learning Centre Two

Welcome back to Term 4! It is hard to believe that there are less than 10 weeks until the end of the school year. This term is shaping up to be a super busy one, so please take note of the dates listed below.



To begin the term, students have been investigating 3-dimensional objects and their properties. They have developed word walls with the vocabulary used when describing shapes and have built shapes using icy-pole sticks, plasticine and coloured cardboard. The children have used digital programs to create 3D shapes and manipulate these into pictures. This week, we begin to discuss different angles and how to measure them.

IMAX and Melbourne Museum Excursion

Last week, the 5/6 students travelled into the city to visit IMAX and the Melbourne Museum. They viewed a 3D documentary about Volcanoes on the huge IMAX screen and walked amongst the dinosaurs in the museum. It was quite a big adventure and there were some tired teachers and students by the end of the day (I believe some snoring was heard during the movie!)

Flag Making

In preparation for our Multicultural Day parade, students created their national flags to wave in celebration of their cultures. 

They had the opportunity to share their cultural traditions with their classmates.

Multicultural Day

What a day we had last Friday! The OLSC Multicultural Day was a wonderful opportunity to learn about and appreciate the many cultures around us. Over the day, the 5/6 students travelled to China with Chelsea to make braided keychains, to England with Alexandra to create bejewelled crowns, and then to Scotland with Scott to play highland games. They then played bocce in Italy with Lisa and came back to Australia to do dot painting with Ann.

The regional athletics are taking place tomorrow. We wish Parek, Samuella, Isabella and Pieng (3/4) all the very best as they prepare to represent OLSc in their individual events.


We ask that students please remember to bring their school hats each day because, here at OLSC, we have a 'No hat, no play' policy.


Some friendly reminders...

  • Tuesday 17th October - Regional Athletics
  • Tuesday 17th October - Cyber Safety Parent Online Info Session 4 @ 7:30pm (Digital Balance & Wellbeing) 
  • Friday 20th October - World Youth Day liturgy (Year 6 students)
  • Friday 20th October - Student Leadership Day (Year 5 students)
  • Friday 20th October - 6 pm School disco and family picnic
  • Friday 27th October - LC1 and LC2 Mass
  • Monday 30th October - First Yr6 transition at MacKillop
  • Friday 3rd November - Whole School Assembly
  • Monday 6th November - Student Free Day (Cup Day eve)
  • Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Day

Year 5/6 Team: Alexandra, Ann, Anna, Chelsea, Cheryl, Danielle, Gillian, Isaac, Kristina, Lisa, Selena, & Scott.

Learning Centre Three

We are all excited to be back, Term 4 is usually our busiest term and we are all ready for it.  Students have come back with many stories of their adventures over the holidays and it has been great hearing them all. Please remember to send your child with their labeled hat!


Multicultural day was a success! It was amazing to see so many people in their cultural dress and hear them speak in so many languages. After the assembly students participated in many activities that reflect cultures from around the world. 




In Literacy, we have been doing an author study. We have focused on the books by Stephen Michael King. We have been predicting and sequencing the stories. 


In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. We have created fractions using playdough and paper. We have also coloured them and made our own fraction pizza!


It’s celebration time in Religion! We have been discussing all the celebrations that we are a part of and talking about what happens during these celebrations and who we are with.


For Inquiry, we have been developing our own characters and settings. We have been describing and making these.  

Playground outside LC1

It is important that at the end of the school day there are no children playing on the playground. The playground isn’t supervised by staff, and we would hate for anyone to injure or hurt themselves.


Some friendly reminders…

  • 17th October - Cyber Safety Parent Online Info Session 4 @ 7:30pm (Digital Balance & Wellbeing) 
  • 20th October - School Disco - booking can be made using the link on the whole school dojo page.
  • 25th October - ACMI excursion
  • 3rd November - Whole School Assembly
  • 6th November - Student Free Day (Cup Day eve)
  • 7th November - Melbourne Cup Day

Year 1/2 Team - Alison, Bianca, Janeen, Jannine, Jess, Jordan, Marilyn, Shalome, Tasmin,  Sue and Sarena.


Learning Centre Four

Multicultural Day

Students enjoyed participating in a variety of activities as part of our multicultural day today. 

They also shared their cultures through amazing traditional costumes and colours that represent their family backgrounds. 



In Literacy and Inquiry, we have begun investigating elements and structures of digital stories, including how to sequence stories to make them interesting and engaging. Students have used a series of images to create a storyboard - sequencing them in a way that is interesting and then adding text to match the image. Here are some examples:



On Wednesday evening we had our camp family information session online. Thank you to all of the students and parents who attended. Attached below is a copy of the slideshow that was presented in the meeting. Please take some time to look over the presentation with your child and use it as a guide to your discussions about, and preparation for, camp. 

If you have not yet completed and returned your child's permission note for camp, please return it as soon as possible. 




We are continuing to prepare for our excurion to ACMI on Tuesday 31st October. If you have not yet returned your child's permission form, could you please do this as soon as possible. 


We are also still looking for parent helpers for the excursion. If you are able to help, have a Working With Children Check and signed the parent code of conduct, please email John at jdini@olscwyn.catholic.edu.au 



Some friendly reminders...

  • 17th October - Cyber Safety Parent Online Info Session 4 @ 7:30pm (Digital Balance & Wellbeing) 
  • Tuesday 17th October - Regional Athletics
  • Friday 20th October - 6 pm School disco and family picnic
  • Tuesday 31st October - ACMI Excursion
  • Friday 3rd November - Whole School Assembly
  • Monday 6th November - Student Free Day (Cup Day eve)
  • Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Day

Year 3/4 Team: Adam, Ben, Beth, Elizabeth, Emma, Gabby, Hayley, Helen, Isaac, John, Milla and Zach.