Parents & Friends

We extend a warm welcome to all our returning families as we kick off Term 4. 

A special greeting goes out to the new families, who are beginning their journey with us this week. Get ready for an exciting and fun filled term ahead! 



Join us for the Democracy Sausage Sizzle on Saturday, October 14th. Keep an eye out for our Cake Stall Donation request pack, which will be delivered to your families this week. Inside, you'll find details on how you can make a delightful contribution, whether it's a delectable sweet treat or a savory delight. We eagerly await your delicious creations!

We are also looking for more volunteers to help at the Sausage Sizzle during the busy lunch time period. If you would like to lend a hand, please join our whatsapp group –

We encourage you to spread the word to your family, friends and the local community that Milgate Primary School is a voting location providing a Sausage Sizzle and delicious baked treats for purchase to delight the tastebuds of those attending. Money raised will be used for the school’s current playground upgrade project.