Empty Your Cupboards

Donations Needed!

As you know, ART FOR ALL is aiming for zero waste. This includes being considerate about what we buy and packaging too. Here's a list of things that you may have that we could use for our event so we don't need to buy it new.


Recycling items:

Plastic lids cleaned (any size/shape)
Toilet rolls, egg cartons
Baker's Delight plastic bread bags for tie-dye
Jars with lids for terrariums 

Empty your cupboards:

Popsicle sticks
Rubber bands
Strong string
Coloured paper of any size, tissue paper
Clear contact (the stuff we used to cover books in)
Jars with lids for terrariums 
Butcher's paper
Feathers, ribbons, buttons, pom poms
Balls of yarn/wool
Straws yes, plastic is perfect!

Broken/worn out things:

Old paint brushes (big is better)
Foam/pool noodles (holes are fine, we will cut them up)
Old hoola hoops to make a bow (& arrow) or PVC pipe that can curve
Old/damaged saucepans and/or lids (for sound - so no glass)
Old/damaged cutlery

Outside/garage/storage things:

Garden moss and succulents for terrariums - obviously closer to the date :)
Bamboo for kite making and insect houses - Gabby can collect (ph 0417541462)
Straight sticks/dowel for arrows
Y-shaped branch sticks to make sling shot

*Leave donations neatly on the trestle table at the main school office.


Contact ArtZone coordinators:

Gabby: gabsgarner@gmail.com 

Lynette: Lynette_lopez@hotmail.com  

Erin: erinjayne3@hotmail.com  

Roberta: robertatess23@gmail.com