Student Wellbeing


Did you know that research has shown that quality time with dad contributes to a child’s emotional well-being, improves their learning outcomes and academic results, boosts self-esteem, and even enhances cognitive development. As adults, we are all aware of how fast time passes. Every moment you can spend with your child is important. It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of life but make a conscious effort to carve out those 10 more minutes, whether it’s building a blanket fort, a dad date to the cinema, going for a fish, kicking the footy around, going on a camping trip together, or reading a bedtime story.

Fathers who demonstrate accessibility, engagement and responsibility have children with fewer emotional and behavioural problems, better language development, better life and social skills and fewer problems with peers. Father engagement and involvement has been associated with increased levels of social responsibility and capacity for empathy, social maturity, self control and self esteem.

Children of Fathers who are involved in their school and educational activities have improved cognitive outcomes, few behavioural difficulties and greater school enjoyment. Involved and engaged fathers provide significant protective and positive impacts on their children’s mental health including prevention of mental illness and more positive attitudes towards help seeking. 


More information including ideas for ‘Dad Dates’ can be found here.