Tongala Industry Day

Mitchell Coombs - VCAL Co-ordinator

As a follow-up from the presentations which occurred at the school on Friday 8 September, the Tongala Industry Day occurred on Friday 13 October.  The day, a partnership between Kyabram P-12 College, CCLLEN, and major sponsors Greenham’s abattoir saw students from Years 10, 11 and 12 travel to Tongala to do work place visits and tours at the key local employers of Greenham’s abattoir, SLTEC Fertilizers (Sustainable Liquid Technology), Tyler’s farm (dairy industry, supported by Dairy Australia and Murray Dairy) and the Campaspe Shire Depot. 



The students got a lot from the day as they learned about current and future entry level skilled career opportunities for young people, training opportunities and workforce needs in the area.  The students also benefited from hearing from employees, their insights about their jobs and the pathways they followed to get to where they are now.  It was also great to hear advice from these employees which the students could use to guide their future plans.


It was great to see the students reassess their options about what their future may hold and how local employers can help them achieve their goals.


A particular highlight was to see the newly opened plant at Greenham’s that really evidenced the state-of-the-art industry that is available in the district.



We would like to extend our gratitude to all of the workplaces for their generosity in time that they volunteered in both the day itself, but also in the lead-up to the event. Equally, the support of both the CCLLEN and Greenham’s were instrumental in making the day the success it has been through provide transport support, and Greenham’s for cooking a BBQ for everyone for lunch.


If other workplaces are interested in taking part in future events like this please contact Mitch Coombs at