Applied Learning

Mitchell Coombs - VCAL Co-ordinator

The end of the 2023 academic year is looming for our Applied Learning students.  This means that it is a busy time for them and their teachers to ensure they get through their respective courses.


The junior technology subjects continue to offer exciting opportunities for our students with the diverse offerings for our Years 7-10 students including subjects such as woodwork, metal work, systems electrical, digitech, small engines and food and textiles. It has been great to see the satisfaction on students’ faces in these areas as they master skills that were previously beyond them and see these same students expand their horizons on what they thought they were capable of.  Families should begin seeing the fruits of the students’ labours soon as they begin to take home their completed projects.


The breadth of technology subjects which students have the opportunity with which to extend their knowledge, skills and familiarity is a credit to the school and the staff which facilitate them.


In the VET space, our Agriculture students have been completing multiple units of competency, with a trip to a local farm for a ‘working with stock’ practical assessment and the practical tractor training in particular being highlights.  Automotive-wise students have been cleaning and load testing batteries, been replacing wheels and tires and completing general services. In the realm of Building and Construction students have been developing mastering in hand and power tools, setting out and levelling, OHS, measurements and calculations and roof pitching.  Whilst in Engineering students have been using welding machines, completing lathe work, plasma cutting, general metal work machining and fabrication.  It has also been great to see some of our students have extended themselves into 3D computer assisted design (CAD).  Further, Engineering has a VCE exam and we wish all the students completing this exam the very best.


Finally, we are excited with the expansion of our VET offerings for next year to also include VET Sports and Recreation.


Students completing the Year 10 Applied Learning program are in the midst of finishing off the last of their practical assessments and the requisite work to achieve their Certificate II in Active Volunteering.  Meanwhile, many of the Year 11s and 12s are at the final hurdle for their work for the year, completing various practical projects, job research, as well as numeracy and literacy tasks.  A recent success has been the casual day fundraiser in aid of ‘Foodbank’ which a student organised, and the ongoing work to support the primary students and their work in the sensory garden.


These students all have a great future to look forward to, and recent trips have opened their eyes to the possibilities.  In particular, the trip to Puckapunyal army base last term for the armed forces careers day was eye opening.  On a more local front, the recent Tongala Industry day trip to Greenham’s, Tyler’s dairy farm, SLTech Liquid Fertilizers and the Shire of Campaspe works depot offered great opportunities for those willing to put themselves out there and have a go.  These great opportunities take a large amount of both sacrifice and organisation, so our thanks go to all those involved.




It has been great to see many of our students transition into the workforce through apprenticeships or jobs, moving into alternate education or pursuing their pathway in other ways.  On behalf of Kyabram P-12 College we wish them all the best.



As the year draws to a close for our Applied Learning students we’d like to thank all those who have made the year possible.  From local businesses and community groups through to students’ families, College staff and the innumerable volunteers who support the students in their various programs throughout the year.  The opportunities the students have couldn’t occur without them and their generous contributions in time or otherwise, so we thank them and look forward to continued collaboration into 2024.