Principal's Message

Middle East Situation

The horrific events in the Middle East continue and it is impossible for most of us to comprehend what the people in Gaza and Israel are experiencing. Earlier this week I distributed an email with some specific information about supporting your children and responding to questions they may have. I encourage you to read the letter if you haven’t already done so and to reach out if you have any individual concerns or questions.



I wrote in last week’s newsletter about the high number of students arriving at school after 9.00am (a total of 163 for the week).  We have seen a significant improvement throughout week 2, with total late arrivals at 105. Of these, 30 were late arrivals of 5 minutes or less. Our focus should be on a steady improvement throughout the term with a target of 10 or less late arrivals per week.

Student Leader Elections

We are about to commence the process of selecting students for Year 6 leadership roles for 2024. The process is a fairly complex one with input from students and staff, written applications and speeches from students, as well as interviews for School Captain and Vice Captain roles. We remain focussed on providing a range of leadership roles and opportunities for our students, particularly in Year 6, and are proud of the contribution they make to our school.



Year 6 student, Shiwon Li, was recently selected in the School Sport Victoria 12 Years and Under Golf Team, which will compete in the National Championships in Perth in November.  We are very proud of Shiwon and wish him every success in this exciting venture. 


This week, five Old Orchard students (Zac Yong, Sophie Wilson, Ollie Allen, Shiwon Ji and Adele Rajoo) competed in the Division Athletics competition in Doncaster. All students performed extremely well, with Adele excelling by winning the 1500m event. She will now move through to the Regional Finals next week and we wish her every success. 


Class list requests for 2024

A reminder that class list requests for 2024 must be received by Monday October 16th. These are to be entered on this Google Form.


Kind regards

