Learning and Teaching in 5/6I

Combined Schools Day 2023


One of the highlights of the school year at COHR is the Combined Schools Day. This year we visited Sacred Heart Primary School, Oakleigh as a whole school. Students participated in a range of fun and engaging activities and interacted with their peers whilst getting to know friends that they will attend secondary school with. 



The students in 5/6I have reflected on the positives of the day and the purpose of coming together as one.

Enjoy having a read of some of our reflections.


Celeste: The purpose of Combined schools day with sacred heart was so you can get to know new people that you might be going to high school with and to reconnect with old friends that went to a different school and to talk to new people that you have never talked to before. 


Darcy: The theme of the day was kindness, and being respected. To become  like Jesus. 


Eli: Some of the positives throughout the day was that we got to do fun games and activities like the kindness quotes posters and the snowball game which is where you wrote three interesting things about yourself then you scrunch then up and put then in the middle and then everyone grabs a snowball and they throw them at each other. After that when everyone has a snowball they read what's inside and everyone tries to guess who it is. 


Jack: My positive of the day was when I was playing with the Sacred Heart kids and they would make me laugh. In church it was really quiet and we had no interruptions and the mass was really peaceful.

Playing the snowball game was really fun and we got to know what our Sacred Heart peers play and do out of school.


Josef: One of my positives of the day was probably going to church and celebrating 'Combined schools day’ with both schools together in the hall. Father Raju celebrated the mass for us and blessed us. 


Lavinia: My positives from the day were the zooper doopers and the sausage sizzle because they both tasted amazing and delicious.


Liana:  One of the activities we did was creating posters about kindness quotes. In this activity we had to sit with someone from Sacred Heart and write a quote on a coloured piece of paper then we decorated it. In the next activity we had to go into a group of four and write an act of kindness we can do for every day of November.  I thought the day was really fun.