Classroom News 

What's Been Happening in Year 5

Aquarium Visit 


This term, the Year 5 students have been learning about animals and their adaptations. During an excursion to the Melbourne Aquarium, students were able to learn and identify the basic needs of living things and their adaptations for survival. They were provided with the opportunity to explore various exhibitions of the Melbourne Sea Life Aquarium, and looked at the ways different marine animals have adapted and survived over time.



The animals I saw were starfish, penguins, jellyfish, moon jellyfish and a saltwater crocodile. I learned that the king of penguins have black legs and the jellyfish has only a stomach. I also learned that a penguin’s adaptation is that they lose their fur and they have to fast for 2 weeks.



I saw penguins, sharks, crocs, clown fish, jellyfish, moon jelly, eel, rayfish and starfish. I learnt that jellyfish are basically just a mouth and stomach and just have cells of an animal. I learnt that penguins breath saltwater and when they’re on the land they shake all of the salt out of their nose. 



At the aquarium, I saw penguins, star fish, jellyfish, crocodiles, king penguins, moon fish, clownfish and more. I learnt that the jellyfish only has a stomach and no eyes or mouth. I learnt that the penguin has thick fur. Something I learnt today was that penguins have thick fur because the temperature they live in is negative 81.



At the Melbourne Aquarium, I saw a crocodile, penguins, jellyfish, fish, starfish, stingrays, king penguins, clownfish and moon sharks. I learnt that the largest crocodile in the world weighs 750kg and its bite force is 50x more than a human's bite force.


Our Lady's School Athletics Day

Please read the attachment below regarding our upcoming School Athletics Day.



State Victorian Athletics Championships

Nana Kwabena Tiboah




Craigieburn Library Class Visits


Students in  Year 1 will be visiting the Hume Craigieburn Library in Term 4. For your child to be able to borrow a book whilst on the excursion they must be a member of the Hume library. If your child isn't a member already, we encourage you to visit the library and become a member. To sign up, you need to visit the Hume library in person and provide identification with your current address. If your child has a membership card but has not borrowed within the last 12 months, their library card will have expired. Please see the school newsletter for dates your child will be visiting the library. 
























