Principal's Report 

Issue No 32 -  25 October 2023

Term 4 - Week 4

Knights of the Southern Cross

Our students who celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist earlier this year received a gift from the Knights of the Southern Cross following Monday morning assembly. We thank Kevin and Kevin from the Knights of the Southern Cross for their continued support of the students in our school and parish community. Inside each envelope the students received a set of rosary beads. 



Division Cricket

Congratulations to our Grade 6 teams who participated in the Division Cricket yesterday.  You all did an amazing job!


Public Holiday

A reminder to families that Wednesday 1st November is the Bendigo Cup holiday where the school will also be closed for the day.


Grandparents & Special Friends Day

Friday 3rd November, the school celebrates ‘Grandparents and Special Friends Day’. I believe the students should be proud of belonging to such a wonderful school and this is a great opportunity for them to share their pride in the school and work completed in it with their grandparents and special friends.


I know that some students in the school will not be able to invite a grandparent and/or special friend due to different reasons. However, I am sure that invited guests will take an interest in all of the students and their work in the school, not just a selected few. Furthermore, parents and other family members are considered to be special friends and could be invited accordingly.


The grandparents and special friends are invited into the classrooms between 9:00am until 9:45am. This will be a very informal session, as the students will be working independently and/or in small groups. Grandparents and special friends will have the opportunity to walk through the classrooms and observe the students working. They may even wish to engage in the activity and a conversation with the students.


The grandparents and special friends are then welcome to join in the Whole School Mass at 10:00am, followed by morning tea at 11:00am in the school grounds. The morning tea will finish at 11:40am. Students will receive an icypole for morning tea, while special friends will be invited to share a cuppa and slice with each other.


School Assembly

A reminder to our parents that our next assembly is on Friday 3rd November, beginning at 3pm with 2AP presenting during this assembly. 


Melbourne Cup Dress Up

Tuesday 7th November, St Kilian’s School will embrace the fun and excitement of the Melbourne Cup. Students and staff are invited to dress up in free dress to celebrate ‘the race that stops the nation’.  Whilst students are encouraged to get dressed up in a Melbourne Cup theme, it is optional and those students not wishing to do so can still participate by wearing free dress for the day.

Transition 2024 Preps

The 2024 Preps will be participating in transition sessions on Tuesday 21st November and Tuesday 28th November.  During these sessions we invite parents and carers to a coffee and chat session in the school library and would love the assistance of current families to make them feel welcome.  If you are able to assist during these times 9:15am – 10:00am and/or 10:15am – 11:00am please email This is a great opportunity for new parents to ask questions of current families and get to know other.


School Concert

Save the date: Thursday 23rd November, 6:30pm onwards (arrival at 6:15pm) at St Francis of the Fields Shed.  More details to come.


Start of 2024

School commences for students on Tuesday 30th January.


Camp dates for 2024

To assist parents with their calendars in 2024, the camp dates for next year are as follows:

•  Grade 4 Camp (Pioneer Settlement, Swan Hill): 9 May - 10 May

•  Grade 5 Camp (Campaspe Downs, Kyneton): 13 September - 15 September

• Grade 6 Camp (Canberra): 12 March - 15 March


CES School Engagement Surveys 2023

CES Ltd are asking all parents, children (Grade 4-6) and staff to complete an online survey regarding our school.  Families were randomly selected to participate and received information last week.  If you have not received an email regarding the survey and are willing to complete it please email Lara (  

We really encourage as many families as possible to complete the survey as we value your time and feedback.   Please note individualised passwords are required for the survey.


God Bless 

Kimberley McSweeney 
