Mrs Mary-Jane Guest


Catholic Mission - Thank you!

Thank you for everyone's support and donations for Catholic Mission Week last week. It was great to see so many students and staff wearing a range of creative, colourful and bright socks to celebrate Socktober and support Catholic Missions. Secondary students enjoyed some sockball challenges. 

Year 10 Alpha Retreat

Our Year 10 students have been participating in the Alpha program on a Friday afternoon. Last week, Year 10 experienced a retreat style afternoon involving discussions, games, music and prayer. Chris De Silva, the Armidale Mission and Evangelisation Support Officer, who leads the program each week, was also joined by members of the Immaculata Mission School based in Armidale. The music and singing was uplifting and rich discussions were had about healing and God's presence in our lives. A fun game called Tridactyl was played and lots of laughs were had! Everyone enjoyed pizza for lunch!

1M Prayer Celebration

This Friday 1M will will be leading the Infants Prayer Celebration. The theme is God's wonderful creations, in particular - light! Please join 1M for this celebration on Friday at 9:15am at Sacred Heart Church. 

Mini Vinnies

The Mini Vinnies group had a meeting last week and new Office Bearer positions were selected for Term 4. Congratulations to the following students:

Presidents: Miley Taber & Millie Wilson

Publicity Officers: Kaden Blair & Chloe Bannerman

Prayer Leaders: Grace Doyle & Chloe Worgan

Parish Masses for October

Fr Paul is away in October. Fr Paul McCabe will be visiting Inverell Parish to say weekend Masses. There's no weekday Masses.

6:00pm Saturday evenings

9:00am Sunday mornings

Term 4 2023

Friday 3 November

- 1M Prayer Celebration 9:15am at SHC

Friday 10 November

- 5DL Mass 9:15am at SHC

Friday 17 November

- 3G Mass 9:15am at SHC

Friday 24 November

- KD Prayer Celebration 9:15am at SHC

Friday 1 December

- Year 10 Graduation Mass

Friday 8 December

- Year 6 End of Year Mass

Thursday 14 December

- K-10 Thanksgiving Mass


Have a great week, God Bless

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator