Upcoming Dates 

This Week 

Wednesday 1 Nov 

9:15am - 11am Kinder transition 

2:45pm K-2 and 3-6 Assembly 


Thursday 2 Nov 

5:30pm P and F Meeting in the Library 


Friday 3 Nov 

9:15am Infants Prayer Celebration led by 1M at SHC 

Primary Diocesan Touch Carnival at Complex 


Next Week 

Kinder Transition 

5DL Mass 

Secondary Assessment week 

Remembrance Day - SRC 



Paver Fundraiser closes Friday 10 Nov

Save the date:

Wednesday 6 December is the Infants Christmas Concert and all students K-2 will be performing. We are combining this with Grandparents Day this year. 

11:00 Welcome and morning tea, tour of the classrooms

12:00 Infants Christmas Concert in the hall.



Approvals/Consent required in Compass

Secondary Elective Sport

Year 2 Nick King

Year 3-6 Sport Rotations

Year 3,4, 5 and 6 Excursions

Year 10 Work Experience

Primary Diocesan Touch Carnival