Principal's Message

Mr Forrest

Saturday is Remembrance Day

Everybody is welcome to attend the Remembrance Day Service on Saturday 11th of November at 11 am at the Wedderburn - Korong Vale RSL. Please assemble by 10:45 a.m. A morning tea will be held afterwards in the clubrooms.

RSL badges and poppies are on sale from the school front office until Friday.

Term 4 - Week 6

As we approach the halfway point of term, keep an eye out for special activities and events that are coming up.  Please make sure you keep up to date with all our platforms, especially COMPASS, Newsletter and the Yearly Planner/Calendar.  Our Year 12 Graduation Dinner is next week, this will kick off a very busy final month to the school year including several camps and special nights. 


Year 7/8 Halls Gap Camp

A fantastic effort by all staff and students at the Year 7/8 Halls Gap camp last week.  It was great to see everyone working hard together and enjoying all the special activities on camp such as canoeing, rock climbing and walking in the national park.  As the head chef I was impressed by everyone using great manners and trying all the food.   I'm not sure who had the best desserts, the Halls Gap Ice Cream shop or the Camp Banana Splits!   Thanks to Miss Graham for being the lead organiser and to Mr Pettifer x 2, Mr Fowles and Mr Monaco for attending.

Planning for 2024 (Repeat)

We are currently trying to finalise our planning for 2024. If you know that your circumstances may change at the beginning of the school year, please contact the school office or Home-room teacher.  Looking forward to 2024, with the possibility of having a straight Prep class in 2024 as the numbers are healthy.   We are also considering having two Year 7 classes for the first time in a long time.  As you maybe aware, Victoria is experiencing the biggest teacher shortage in almost 40 years, however I am confident that we will have a majority of our positions filled within the next month. We will keep you informed of staffing, classes and other information for 2024 as the term progresses. 

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