Digital Technologies

With the upcoming fete, students in Grades 3/4 have started their promotional blitz, but as posters are so 2022, they are using AR (Augmented Reality) to make more informative and entertaining advertisements.


Now, if you scan their posters with a phone or iPad, you will learn a lot more.


Sarah even thought it would be a good idea to add AR to our school values so our fete goers know exactly what is expected of them!


See the video below of some of their great work.




Daniel R's Coding Club

After Daniel R's intense business meeting with Mr. Forrest last week, it's full steam ahead on the club's idea of making an interactive Theme Park that the school can enjoy in the last week of term.

You can see them (and some sneaky spectators) all hard at work below (and with this many bodies in one room, it even started smelling like a theme park...)